How much sodium is appropriate for you?

Did you know that the sodium recommendation is just 1,500mg if you're age 51 or older, or if you are black, or if you have high blood pressure, diabetes or chronic kidney disease?


  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    Good point. I gave up adding salt years ago. My husband has high blood pressure, so I don't cook with it. Instead, I use lots of herbs and different kinds of pepper. Your palate will change. Now I can tell when foods are over salted.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    I was "officially" diagnosed with high blood pressure in May 2011, while recovering from a hospitalization for pneumonia. It had been in the 130/80 ranges before that, but it skyrocketed after that hospitalization -- I think because of the excessive hydration I was subjected to while in the hospital.
    I was about 50 pounds overweight then, in my mid 50s. Not a happy time. Within 3 months I was prescribed BP meds. I felt I was "officially" old, with "old people" problems. Feeling sorry for myself, I gained another 10 pounds within the year.
    Finally, in Feb 2012, I found the will to be responsible for my own health. After initially losing 25 lbs, my BP went down but was still not in the healthy range which was disappointing. To date, I lost 47 lbs. Most importantly, I cut my sodium intake to under 1500mg/day -- I normally have less than 1000mg/day since Aug 2012.
    Bingo! I was off the BP meds after about a week of lowering my sodium and have not been back on them in 6 months. I am now well back in normal range and usually get a reading of 110/78 which sure beats 159/90 any day.
    I now watch my sodium intake closely, the main reason I use MFP.
  • AliceNov2011
    AliceNov2011 Posts: 471 Member
    What a perfect testimonial! Thanks so much for sharing. And congratulations on taking such good care of yourself!
  • Littlegurl
    Littlegurl Posts: 172 Member
    I thought low sodium was the best for everyone. I was getting weak and passing out. When I consulted with my doctor I found out I need more sodium than most because I have low blood pressure. I especially need a good dose of sodium before I exercise. Since I've increased my sodium I feel so much better during exercise.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    I thought low sodium was the best for everyone. I was getting weak and passing out. When I consulted with my doctor I found out I need more sodium than most because I have low blood pressure. I especially need a good dose of sodium before I exercise. Since I've increased my sodium I feel so much better during exercise.
    Interesting. My DH was having the same problem, but his doctor said he wasn't hydrating enough before exercise. He did not recommend adding sodium back into his diet, although DH also has chronic low blood pressure. His doctor's rule is that if you're peeing yellow, you're not hydrated. DH now drinks a G2 before he heads out the door.