5 Mistakes Guys Make In Online Dating



  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    Do any of you fish? Like fishing pole, lure, line, and tackle in the water kind of fish? In order to catch the fish that you want, you have to take into account so many things. The water temperature, the depth of your lure, the color of line you are using, the presentation of the lure, the scent of the lure, the weather conditions above water, and on & on it goes.

    My point, it's freaking mind blowing how incredibly difficult it is to catch the right fish. It takes a lot of patience and knowledge investment.

    I think online dating and attraction in general is just like fishing. That's why, whenever I catch a fish...I don't care what size or how healthy that fish is...I'm gonna take it home and slather it in oil.


    I just go to the grocery store or market to get my fish.

    Are you saying you hire a hooker?
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    ROFL.....this is an awesome post, and unfortunately the reason why so many guys and girls out there get frustrated with online dating.

    now if only someone would write one for girls :)
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    Do any of you fish? Like fishing pole, lure, line, and tackle in the water kind of fish? In order to catch the fish that you want, you have to take into account so many things. The water temperature, the depth of your lure, the color of line you are using, the presentation of the lure, the scent of the lure, the weather conditions above water, and on & on it goes.

    My point, it's freaking mind blowing how incredibly difficult it is to catch the right fish. It takes a lot of patience and knowledge investment.

    I think online dating and attraction in general is just like fishing. That's why, whenever I catch a fish...I don't care what size or how healthy that fish is...I'm gonna take it home and slather it in oil.


    I just go to the grocery store or market to get my fish.

    Are you saying you hire a hooker?

    No. I was talking about fish. Do they have hookers at the grocery store where you live?
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member

    now if only someone would write one for girls :)

    Ask and you shall receive.... It's in slideshow format so it will take a minute to post. But, it's coming.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Do any of you fish? Like fishing pole, lure, line, and tackle in the water kind of fish? In order to catch the fish that you want, you have to take into account so many things. The water temperature, the depth of your lure, the color of line you are using, the presentation of the lure, the scent of the lure, the weather conditions above water, and on & on it goes.

    My point, it's freaking mind blowing how incredibly difficult it is to catch the right fish. It takes a lot of patience and knowledge investment.

    I think online dating and attraction in general is just like fishing. That's why, whenever I catch a fish...I don't care what size or how healthy that fish is...I'm gonna take it home and slather it in oil.


    I just go to the grocery store or market to get my fish.

    Same here! LOL
    Seattle's Pike Place Market is a great place for fish.
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    Do any of you fish? Like fishing pole, lure, line, and tackle in the water kind of fish? In order to catch the fish that you want, you have to take into account so many things. The water temperature, the depth of your lure, the color of line you are using, the presentation of the lure, the scent of the lure, the weather conditions above water, and on & on it goes.

    My point, it's freaking mind blowing how incredibly difficult it is to catch the right fish. It takes a lot of patience and knowledge investment.

    I think online dating and attraction in general is just like fishing. That's why, whenever I catch a fish...I don't care what size or how healthy that fish is...I'm gonna take it home and slather it in oil.


    I just go to the grocery store or market to get my fish.

    Same here! LOL
    Seattle's Pike Place Market is a great place for fish.

    On Sunday, I had some King Salmon we bought there.
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    The only other mistake I would add that guys make is:


    I can't tell you how many of my gal pals and I have experienced that. It's annoying.

    Case in point: once I had a guy that after several conversations on a dating site that went well .... messaged me his cell number and said if I was interested in taking it to the next level to text him that day. So, I did - and also texted the main pic on my profile so he would know it was me.

    No response.

    Days later he wrote back. REALLY? Ok, that's just game playing.... so you know what? I just didn't respond.

    A MONTH LATER he texted again.... so I thought ok, maybe he IS interested and was just being a wanker at first (not a good first impression.) So I wrote back within an hour.....

    A day later, no response. So I then texted him and told him to never contact me again.....

    So Mistake #6? If interested, don't be a FLAKE! FOLLOW THROUGH.


    ETA: stupid typos...
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    Just noticed thread.

    Thank you Flim.

    That is all.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Here's a great idea for internet email approach... the below is unique and only takes a few seconds to replace the girl's username. I actually went out with this guy a couple times. SavedP is my username. "Our story" is a link that appears at the top of the screen for each match you've had contact with. When you click that link, it gives an outline of all the winks/emails/etc you've had, much like this guy outlined above.
    Just got this tonight from Match. Thought I'd share this with you guys, as it really made me chuckle and respond to the guy (and if he asks he will absolutely get a date). And this doesn't take a whole lot of effort, because you'll see all he really had to do was take the stock pattern and cut-n-paste my username a couple times. Easy-Peasy.

    Email was titled, "Our Story"

    GuyFromMatch; viewed your profile
    SavedP; viewed my profile
    GuyFromMatch; winked
    SavedP; winked back
    GuyFromMatchsaid; Helloooo!!!! I'm HisName...
    SavedP said; Helloooo!!! I'm _______(please insert name here) (wait.... Hold on that's not rite...) hummmm...... (I got it I will use your user name) (ok from the top)

    GuyFromMatch; viewed your profile
    SavedP; viewed my profile
    GuyFromMatch; winked
    SavedP; winked back
    GuyFromMatchsaid; helloooo!!!! I'm HisName
    SavedP said; helloooo!!!! I'm SavedP
    FFW>>>> 2 or 3 years...
    The happy couple get married
    FFW>>>> 20 or 30 years...
    Happily ever after... The END...

    30 seconds and I guarantee (if she reads it) she'll melt. Chances are, she'll ignore the typo. But then, chances are, you'll fix it. :smooched:

    from http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/592415-so-far-my-favorite-online-dating-intro?hl=my+favorite+match+email#posts-8468547
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    HAHA Flim, XD
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    The only other mistake I would add that guys make is:


    I can't tell you how many of my gal pals and I have experienced that. It's annoying.

    Case in point: once I had a guy that after several conversations on a dating site that went well .... messaged me his cell number and said if I was interested in taking it to the next level to text him that day. So, I did - and also texted the main pic on my profile so he would know it was me.

    No response.

    Days later he wrote back. REALLY? Ok, that's just game playing.... so you know what? I just didn't respond.

    A MONTH LATER he texted again.... so I thought ok, maybe he IS interested and was just being a wanker at first (not a good first impression.) So I wrote back within an hour.....

    A day later, no response. So I then texted him and told him to never contact me again.....

    So Mistake #6? If interested, don't be a FLAKE! FOLLOW THROUGH.


    ETA: stupid typos...

    I can understand the emails thru the dating site that just happen to stop, but once they ask you to text and then flake, like WTF?
    Usually it is while I am texting a guy that I get asked for the first date/meeting, etc.

    I had a guy I was talking to just before Christmas. I didn't have my kids this xmas so we spent alot of the day talking.
    Then poof he was gone. He resurfaced some 3 weeks later and said 'sorry I was busy, still wanna chat?' UMMM NO?
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I woud like to add a #6 and that is writing like you are 13 years old and texting someone. When I see "Hi how are u?" "i am very attracted to ur look" that is a turn off. If you cannot spell you or do not know when to capitilize I it screams lack of intellegence to me.

    This rule goes for both guys and girls but I put it under guys because I think they do it more no matter their age while girls will usually stop after their early 20s.
  • Moe4572
    Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member
    I woud like to add a #6 and that is writing like you are 13 years old and texting someone. When I see "Hi how are u?" "i am very attracted to ur look" that is a turn off. If you cannot spell you or do not know when to capitilize I it screams lack of intellegence to me.

    This rule goes for both guys and girls but I put it under guys because I think they do it more no matter their age while girls will usually stop after their early 20s.

    I agree with this 100%. If there are numerous typos and many misspelled words in his profile, I move on.......
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I woud like to add a #6 and that is writing like you are 13 years old and texting someone. When I see "Hi how are u?" "i am very attracted to ur look" that is a turn off. If you cannot spell you or do not know when to capitilize I it screams lack of intellegence to me.

    This rule goes for both guys and girls but I put it under guys because I think they do it more no matter their age while girls will usually stop after their early 20s.

    UGH, Chatpeak is the worst. It looks like a three year old is typing, and I'm not into three year olds BLECH
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    I think the second biggest mistake a heterosexual male can make is dating women. Unfortunately, the biggest mistake would be dating men.
  • julesboots
    julesboots Posts: 311 Member
    The only other mistake I would add that guys make is:


    I can't tell you how many of my gal pals and I have experienced that. It's annoying.

    Case in point: once I had a guy that after several conversations on a dating site that went well .... messaged me his cell number and said if I was interested in taking it to the next level to text him that day. So, I did - and also texted the main pic on my profile so he would know it was me.

    No response.

    Days later he wrote back. REALLY? Ok, that's just game playing.... so you know what? I just didn't respond.

    A MONTH LATER he texted again.... so I thought ok, maybe he IS interested and was just being a wanker at first (not a good first impression.) So I wrote back within an hour.....

    A day later, no response. So I then texted him and told him to never contact me again.....

    So Mistake #6? If interested, don't be a FLAKE! FOLLOW THROUGH.


    ETA: stupid typos...

    I can understand the emails thru the dating site that just happen to stop, but once they ask you to text and then flake, like WTF?
    Usually it is while I am texting a guy that I get asked for the first date/meeting, etc.

    I had a guy I was talking to just before Christmas. I didn't have my kids this xmas so we spent alot of the day talking.
    Then poof he was gone. He resurfaced some 3 weeks later and said 'sorry I was busy, still wanna chat?' UMMM NO?

    I wonder why a guy would want to text back and forth before meeting? I can kind of see why women might want to do this, but I don't think I see texting as "taking it to the next level" after a few message exchanges on a dating site. I think the longer all the preliminaries get drawn out, the more likely things will just die off before meeting.

    My standard was max 3 or 4 message exchanges, and then if he wasn't interested/didn't suggest meeting- I was all done. This circumvented the simulated emotional attachment and fantasy stuff all of us can create. It all sucks though, really, because it's easy and human nature to want things.

    Also, that sucks that that guy texted with you on christamas ( prolly lonely and selfishly wanted a human connection without reciprocating, really) No empathy. Jerk.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    The only other mistake I would add that guys make is:


    I can't tell you how many of my gal pals and I have experienced that. It's annoying.

    Case in point: once I had a guy that after several conversations on a dating site that went well .... messaged me his cell number and said if I was interested in taking it to the next level to text him that day. So, I did - and also texted the main pic on my profile so he would know it was me.

    No response.

    Days later he wrote back. REALLY? Ok, that's just game playing.... so you know what? I just didn't respond.

    A MONTH LATER he texted again.... so I thought ok, maybe he IS interested and was just being a wanker at first (not a good first impression.) So I wrote back within an hour.....

    A day later, no response. So I then texted him and told him to never contact me again.....

    So Mistake #6? If interested, don't be a FLAKE! FOLLOW THROUGH.


    ETA: stupid typos...

    I can understand the emails thru the dating site that just happen to stop, but once they ask you to text and then flake, like WTF?
    Usually it is while I am texting a guy that I get asked for the first date/meeting, etc.

    I had a guy I was talking to just before Christmas. I didn't have my kids this xmas so we spent alot of the day talking.
    Then poof he was gone. He resurfaced some 3 weeks later and said 'sorry I was busy, still wanna chat?' UMMM NO?

    I wonder why a guy would want to text back and forth before meeting? I can kind of see why women might want to do this, but I don't think I see texting as "taking it to the next level" after a few message exchanges on a dating site. I think the longer all the preliminaries get drawn out, the more likely things will just die off before meeting.

    My standard was max 3 or 4 message exchanges, and then if he wasn't interested/didn't suggest meeting- I was all done. This circumvented the simulated emotional attachment and fantasy stuff all of us can create. It all sucks though, really, because it's easy and human nature to want things.

    Also, that sucks that that guy texted with you on christamas ( prolly lonely and selfishly wanted a human connection without reciprocating, really) No empathy. Jerk.

    I don't mind sending a few texts, but I agree, I don't want a penpal and the longer you leave the meeting... the less chance you have of meeting... depending on your schedules of course. I think you can find alot more out about a man/women by talking to them on the phone.

    My usual rule is if they haven't brought up meeting within the week I move on, unless the convo is quite stimulating. I also won't wait weeks between date 1 and 2, etc. Because it's almost like re meeting eachother.

    I can really relate to this emotional attachment/fantasy idea you speak of. I just dated a guy for a month, and he was so much into 'future talk' and saying nice things about me, and the like that I may have gotten caught up in it. When he decided I wasn't a match for him, I felt blindsided. So now I have to wonder why a man (or a women too) feels the need to have such disclosure with a new person. Almost like this huge expectation was formed that noone could have lived up too.