February Check in- How are you doing?

Lets check in with one another!

How are things going?

Are you on track?

Are you struggling? How can I help??


  • sassynkp
    sassynkp Posts: 148 Member
    Going pretty good here. I am keeping up with my exercise every morning. My eating is ok. I am staying within my count but made a bad choice last night, had a couple of cookies. But I did not eat half the batch- only 2. I am only on week 2 so I am still trying to adjust to my new lifestyle. I did not beat myself up too bad, instead I pushed extra hard this morning and told myself that it was a new day and a chance to make better choices! I determined to do better. Hope everyone is doing great.
  • coachkrystie
    coachkrystie Posts: 15 Member
    Great Attitude Sassy!!! Those little changes really do add up to great success in the long run!! Keep going!!