46 and wanting to love myself again (inside and out)

cmmdance Posts: 45 Member
Good morning all, I am new to mfp and the group. I am 46 years old married and a mom to two wonderful children: boy age 7, and girl age 4. I must also add that we have two crazy fun loving black labs named Merlot and Ziggy. I am looking for a group for support and constructive feedback through this weightloss journey. It is so hard to find time to exercise, eat right, and stay motivated. When I look at myself I can't believe that I have let myself get to this point. I feel ashamed for not taking better care of myself. I want to love myself more from the outside in. I want to get in better shape for myself, my kids, and my husband. I AM READY to be a FABULOUS FORTY SOMETHING LADY. Please friend me if this sounds like you. I look forward to getting to know you.


  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 428 Member
    I am 42 years old with a 4 year old daughter as well. I have a dog, a rabbit and 80 something chickens :laugh: I had struggled my whole life being over weight & blaming so many things. It wasn't until I came to the realization that I was no longer wanting to live life unhappy anymore. I know how you feel. I was in clothes over 8 times bigger, depressed, had no energy & tried so many things before that didn't work. I decided it was all or nothing for me at the time and joined a gym, made changes to my eating habits, work out daily & have lost the weight & am now maintaining & feel awesome! It sounds like you are ready to make the change. My only advice would be to not look back & to go forth with a vengeance & you will get out of it what you put in to it. Don't try to find the time to exercise but rather make the time or an appointment daily to do it. "You are worth it" Plan your meals and give yourself small goals to meet. Treat yourself to things as we are human but know if you fall that you get back up, brush it off and keep going. Your results will be your continued motivation as will your MFP support but it all falls back on you. I have learned this is a lifestyle change. Let me tell you that you are doing awesome with your eating since you started & you just need to add to the exercise daily and keep at it. You can do this, JUST DO IT!
  • cmmdance
    cmmdance Posts: 45 Member
    Actually, I lost 19 lbs. last year and wanting to lose 28 more. I have been unable to lose anymore since then.

    I am working out for 30 minutes doing calisthenic type exercises for 30 minutes either while I am cooking for the family or after the kids go to bed. I have a group on Facebook that we post when we have completed our weekly exercises. Some of the exercises include jumping jacks, high kicks, squats, burpees, crunches, mountain climbs, lunges, stair climbing, bicep curls with 8lb weights, etc.

    I started this new eating plan with meal replacement shakes twice a day, 2 - 3 snacks a day, and one sensible meal. This all comes out to 12-1300 calories a day. So far, I feel pretty good and inspired to take the rest of my weight off. I look forward to weighing in on Monday morning to see the results.

    This time I am trying to approach it as not a DIET, but a weightloss journey to health and happiness.

    Thank you for the encouraging words. I look forward to getting to know you through this journey.
  • luvsyoga
    luvsyoga Posts: 90 Member
    Hi I'm 43. I've lost about 20lbs, I still have more to lose, but, I don't "diet". I'm making lifestyle changes. I don't want to lose the weight then gain it back. I need to be active and eat healthy, and sometimes splurge, just because that is life. I have older kids. And I want them to understand healthy eating and lifestyle.

    Good luck!!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    you can do this,,, focus, if you lost what you have already, you can keep going.