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  • crazycleo
    crazycleo Posts: 36
    Do you guys wear shoes when you do 30 DS? That sounds like kind of a dumb question, in the video they wear shoes but I just prefer to be barefoot, especially since I'm working out in my living room and it seems like it might be slightly quieter for the people in the apt below. That was fine for level 1 but level 2 has so much bouncing around that I've ended up with some pretty nasty blisters... should I switch to shoes? I find balancing to be tough in this level and i feel like toes are more grippy than shoes. Maybe I'm being crazy.?!
  • hebehrens
    hebehrens Posts: 55
    Yes, I definitely wear shoes. I don't think I could tolerate all the plank position stuff in level 2 without them! I also have weak feet/ankles though, so I need some decent support. I do feel like I'm more likely to go all out in trying a move with shoes on for some reason too.
  • crazycleo
    crazycleo Posts: 36
    Yeah I might try that, I also have weak ankles and wearing my orthotics might make life easier, I also am worried about hurting my ankles during high knees.
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