Anyone else deal with Rosacea and or Keratosis Pilaris?

Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
I've been doing a lot of research on Celiacs Disease since being diagnosed and while I know these skin conditions exist in Celiac patients I'm curious as to how many on the board deal with these issues as well. I deal with both although I recently noticed that my Keratosis Pilaris is almost completely gone and I've had it for atleast 10 years. It never bothered me but I find it amazing that since going gluten free it has disappeared. My rosacea still flares up if I consume too much sugar but cutting out gluten has made it a seldom occurrence rather than a daily one.


  • SailorSarah311
    SailorSarah311 Posts: 172 Member
    I have keratosis pilaris as well. I haven't been gluten free for that long, so I'm anxious to see what happens with it. I've been using OTC creams, and none of them are doing the job. Hopefully being gluten free helps me out like it did you.
  • jbonow1231
    jbonow1231 Posts: 75 Member
    I have always had KP pretty bad myself. Since I was diagnosed with gluten sensitivity and went gluten free (June 2011) my KP is slowly by slowly clearing up, it's almost all gone from my arms, I'm happy to say. :D The bigger difficulty is my legs, which - even though it is tons better than it used to be, it's still a lot more present on my legs than my arms, I think because what is left is agitated when I shave, which makes it harder to heal.

    Not sure what the solution is to that, as I'm not going to stop shaving, lol.

    Rumor has it that this stuff is supposed to be the be all and end all to quash KP, but - I haven't gotten any yet as it's kind of expensive, I've thought of making it my birthday present this year though, as a reward if I lose more weight.

    I've never had a diagnosis of Rosacea, but - my cheeks are pretty much red all the time, and certain foods trigger it - MSG and red wine among them. It seems to get better when I take a lot of probiotics, but that causes me other issues.
  • simplyenough
    simplyenough Posts: 12 Member
    I have Psoriasis (mainly on my scalp and behind my ears). Prior to going gluten free, I had tried every shampoo, oil & cream on the market and nothing helped. I have been gluten free for 6 months and it has been slowly clearing up. So thankful!