If you tell me one more time...I am going to...!! 2/21

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
I hope you guys who are 'old heads' at this never get tired of reminders but it is nice to know what you should be doing, and what you forgot to do, and if a newbie what you should be doing to start!


Maybe there is one of these you are struggling with or don't do. Why? Challenge yourself today to start the one you are weak in!

Me...I will drink more water today! 3 glasses!

Peace and fitness,


  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I need to work on a couple of them, but the big one right now is the smart grazing. I always bring snacks (like apples or oranges or a cup of yogurt or cheese cubes, ect) and I never think about that I'm getting a little hungry and grabbing something, I'll just be going along then all of the sudden it's like I'M STARVING.... I really want to work on this especially if I find that I'm burning a lot more calories than I think, I will need to start eating more, but eating effectively
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    The Clean It Up and Portion Control are both I need to work on. I will watch portion control today. Who wants to hold me to it?
  • JSN66614
    Hun the eating things with less then 5 ingredients sounds a bit harsh lol all the rest come in logic........that cleaning it up lol I'm sorry I can't do it.
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    Once again, a wonderful challenge full of great information. Thanks Garlic! :smile:

    My biggest challenge is breakfast. A lot of times when I wake up it's closer to lunch time anyway (Oh the life of a college student...), but when I do wake up in time I tend to grab something really quick like a granola bar or banana as opposed to eating a proper breakfast. Even this morning when I woke up early and was at home I still only ate a Special K bar. I'm going to challenge myself to purchase some healthy and well balanced breakfast options and try to start my day off the right way. Now if only I could kick the coffee habit... that's a challenge I don't think I'm ready for though! And I know the students I sub for wouldn't be ready for that... LOL.
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    Me...I will drink more water today! 3 glasses!

    Good luck with the water drinking, girl! I know you ca do it! Just start slow and keep working your way up. :) One thing that really helped me when I first started trying to drink more water this past summer was wearing either rubber bands or bracelets on my wrist and then moving them over to the other wrist each time I drank a glass of water. So for example, I would wear say 6 bands on my left wrist and I had to have them all on my right wrist before I could go to bed that night. It made it more of a game which became fun for me. Plus the kids I worked with found it super entertaining for some weird reason. Haha Just a thought. :)
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Me...I will drink more water today! 3 glasses!

    Good luck with the water drinking, girl! I know you ca do it! Just start slow and keep working your way up. :) One thing that really helped me when I first started trying to drink more water this past summer was wearing either rubber bands or bracelets on my wrist and then moving them over to the other wrist each time I drank a glass of water. So for example, I would wear say 6 bands on my left wrist and I had to have them all on my right wrist before I could go to bed that night. It made it more of a game which became fun for me. Plus the kids I worked with found it super entertaining for some weird reason. Haha Just a thought. :)
    One of the things I started doing to drink more water is fill a container with the amount I'm supposed to drink for the day and it goes to work with me and that's where I get my water from (that way it's from my water filter on my sink) and I can see how much I have left for the day. To make it less daunting, I pour it from my container into a cup (32oz cup) with a straw and work on it in smaller batches. Now it's mindless activity for me to grab my cup and drink my water
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    My take...

    1. Drink all day: WOOHOO! I'm gonna be so wasted...oh...water...yeah. Remember that pretty much all liquids count towards the amount you drink. There's just usually other things in with the water that may not be that healthy. When you feel hungry drink something and wait 15 minutes. Understand your hypothalmous and how it considers thirst and hunger to be the same thing:

    2. Breakfast comes First: Also water should come first. Keep some water on your night stand so its the first thing you do (after weighing yourself) every morning. Remember that calories are calories, no matter what time of the day you eat them. Breakfast is good to have, and bad to skip, but don't overdo it.

    3. Smart Grazing: What am I? Cattle? You know, actually, grazing is probably what you should do. Keep veggies close at hand throughout the day. Carrots, celery, cucumbers....beets...or whatever your favorite snacking veggie is. Way less than 200 calories and will fill you up.

    4. Portion Control: YOU'RE WRONG! That is not a cup! You're probably underestimating. Go get your normal eating bowls and your cups. Break out your measuring cups and figure out exactly how much water each container will hold. If you're forgetful write them down. In my opinion, the best bowls have the cup/liter size written on the bottom. If you're really bad, use a sharpie on the bottom and write it down yourself.

    5. Clean it up: More than the 5-food rule, pay attention to your macronutrition. Look at things like fiber, protein, fat, carb, sugar and 9 times out of 10 you'll understand why you're retaining water, or feeling sluggish, or gaining when you should be losing, or constipated, etc.

    6. Leave some room: I have a different take on this rule. I always figure that I'm still going to fudge my numbers the wrong direction by as much as 20%. To calculate worst case fudge factor leave that extra 20% when you can. You'll see results much faster the more religiously you stick to this rule.
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    I need to work on this one (still, always, and forever):

    "Leave Some Room: The 80/20 Principle, advocated in The Body Ecology Diet, is a great barometer for eating only until you are satiated, not stuffed."

    I am better able to gauge when I am satiated when I chew/eat slowly; if I eat quickly, I inevitably overeat. I need to make up a slow-eating mantra or something. :smile: (Chew, chew, chew. Chew again.)

    Good luck with the water drinking, girl! I know you ca do it! Just start slow and keep working your way up. :) One thing that really helped me when I first started trying to drink more water this past summer was wearing either rubber bands or bracelets on my wrist and then moving them over to the other wrist each time I drank a glass of water. So for example, I would wear say 6 bands on my left wrist and I had to have them all on my right wrist before I could go to bed that night. It made it more of a game which became fun for me. Plus the kids I worked with found it super entertaining for some weird reason. Haha Just a thought. :)

    That is a really great idea...so creative. :smile:

    I keep a notepad on the fridge and keep track of my water cups there. I tend to get a cup of water, drink it then and there in the kitchen, and put a mark on my notepad. I can see if I am behind that way. (The flaw with this plan is that it only works when I'm at home, so I keep mental track of water when I am out and about--or I carry a container marked with ounces of the side. I like those a lot.)

    The bracelets/bands idea works everywhere! (If one is a girl? :tongue:)

    That's good to know about how the brain reads water and hunger signals, aakx3. I'll work on testing to see if what I think is hunger is really hunger or if it is thirst.
  • MommyLovesHerFurBabies
    I need to work on the breakfast thing...this morning is a perfect example...I've already been up close to an hour (30 mins of that laying in bed trying to keep the dogs quiet so they don't wake hubby :wink: ) and I have yet to eat breakfast. Part of that is because I am waiting for hubby to wake up so I can go weigh myself (scale is in master bathroom) and part of it is I don't think about breakfast until I am starving.
    Definitely need to better get on this!! I promise, as soon as hubby gets up I'll quick weigh myself and then it's breakfast time!!
  • MommyLovesHerFurBabies
    Haha no joke, 30 seconds after I published that post my husband got up...so I kept my promise...15 mins after he got up I was weighed in and eating (had to take time to make it and to calculate how much it would be :smile: )
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

    Good luck with the water drinking, girl! I know you ca do it! Just start slow and keep working your way up. :) One thing that really helped me when I first started trying to drink more water this past summer was wearing either rubber bands or bracelets on my wrist and then moving them over to the other wrist each time I drank a glass of water. So for example, I would wear say 6 bands on my left wrist and I had to have them all on my right wrist before I could go to bed that night. It made it more of a game which became fun for me. Plus the kids I worked with found it super entertaining for some weird reason. Haha Just a thought. :)

    I love the idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Drink all day: WOOHOO! I'm gonna be so wasted...oh...water...yeah.

    Mr Aak I am in bed cracking up! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!
  • thatcrazykat
    thatcrazykat Posts: 73 Member
    Definitely drinking more water. It has helped to drink a glass before I eat meals, then I forget. So I am going to drink water before snacks too. Add one before bed and one when I wake up and I am close to goal!
  • fitnessmare
    Another way to use the bands instead of on your wrist is to keep some on your tall glass or water bottle and move them from the top to the bottom as you drink each glass. Could that work?