'cold turkey' vegan or slow transition??



  • theundead
    theundead Posts: 51 Member
    I went cold turkey, had a few slip ups along the way purely by not knowing some hidden non vegan ingredients but nothing on purpose
  • veganlisa
    veganlisa Posts: 50 Member
    I went vegetarian first for close to 20 years, then went vegan. Even that transition was tough, so I can't imagine going from one extreme to another (meat-eater to vegan) in one moment. I think you just have to do whatever works best for you in regards to being successful & with cravings etc.
  • haley255
    haley255 Posts: 117 Member
    A read that a vegan is a grown up vegetarian :)

    Love that!!
  • haley255
    haley255 Posts: 117 Member
    I was vegetarian, decided I needed to be vegan (same as most people, I discovered the horrors of the dairy industry) and switched the next day.

    I'm sure it's different for everyone, but for me it was super easy, only cutting out a few more things. I was already only drinking soy milk and eating soy cheese! It may also depend on your reasons... for me it was a moral decision so going back and cheating with dairy has never been an option.
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    It depends on you, really. When I went vegetarian 30+ years ago it was like flipping light switch. I went veg instantly, once I'd made the decision. The transition to vegan has taken longer with fits and starts along the way, and I'm still not 100% there. I don't eat milk or egg directly, but I know a little dairy slips in around the edges.
  • kkoltcz
    kkoltcz Posts: 30
    I went cold turkey- my entire family did! Dumped out the fridge, freezer and pantry in the morning - took a trip to the grocery to resupply and was vegan by lunch Sept 1st. But I have a bad habit of being an all or nothing girl.