What is your goal, when is the wedding?



  • freya33
    freya33 Posts: 149 Member
    Hi I am back. When I started tutoring it was just a few lessons a week. In the UK there were January exams ( scrapped for next year). and the local college had very poor results for chemistry. Si since mid March I have been so busy I have not exercised / been to the gym then the less I did the less I wanted to do.
    Now all tutoring is finished and all exam papers marked so I now have time. On Thursday I went to my ex school speech day and was going to wear a dress and jacket but the jacket was too tight ( I wonder why?) and it was too hot so I opted for a more loose fitting dress. This morning I stood on the scales and it was obvious why the jacket was tight!!!!!
    So back to getting fit and losing the weight..

    Motherof thebride enjoy the dress shopping. I went with my other daughter and it was great to see her try on dresses. She tried on lots and they were OK but then the assistant brought one and we all just knew that was the one. The others sort of swamped her but this one just magic I cannot explain but it was just her. Enjoy the day out.
    I am off the my other daughters in August to see the church and venue. She is getting married from her house which is about 2 hours away so they have chosen it. So church and reception booked, just all the other stuff to do. and about 54 weeks to go!
  • fionai61
    Prepping for my sons wedding in sept. 2014. Just had two other sons get married in the las two years. I said I would lose weight but I didn't. This time i will. Jenny Craig is helping me but the exercise is killing me. Not doing much of it. I need 40 lbs off by sept.
  • JulieB_MN
    JulieB_MN Posts: 223 Member
    Hi fionai61! My daughter is getting married July 2014:) You can do this:) You have time! It took me a bit but, now I kinda look forward to the exercise. One thing that really helped me was that my son gave me a Fitbit for Christmas a year ago. I love to watch my steps increase. It keeps me motivated to move!
    Julie (motherofbridetobe)
  • Hello all!!! I am new here and have a daughter getting married june of 2015. Have about 50 lbs to lose. 30 lbs were from quitting smoking 11 months ago. I'm sooo ready to get rid of this weight!!
  • JulieB_MN
    JulieB_MN Posts: 223 Member
    Hi- You can do it;) We are getting closer and closer to my daughters wedding. I want to kick start the loss again and finish this:) Good Luck:)
  • JulieB_MN
    JulieB_MN Posts: 223 Member
    I'm not sure if anyone even checks this group anymore! I found my Mother of the Bride dress on Wednesday:) Now for the shoes:) We are under 4 months!
  • freya33
    freya33 Posts: 149 Member
    I have the dress and jacket, shoes and bag to go. Dress is a bit tight so on a 8 week blitz to lose a bit of weight
  • JulieB_MN
    JulieB_MN Posts: 223 Member
    Awesome Freya33! I am ready as well July 12th:) Now just for nice weather! Good Luck!
  • JulieB_MN
    JulieB_MN Posts: 223 Member
    Daughter's wedding was wonderful:) She was a beautiful bride. Thank you everyone for your well wishes on her special day:) I also want to thank you friends for your 704 days of friendship and encouragement! So happy I stuck with this and lost some weight. I vowed to work hard so that I could enjoy her wedding and have fun and dance the night away and dance I did;) I was on the dance floor most of the night and we had such a great time. Awesome and beautiful day. One I will cherish forever:) Now to figure out how to change my user name as I am no longer motherofbridetobe :) I will try to post a picture of us once someone loads one on the computer:)