SOS: Shout Out Sundays 2/24

aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
Since Wonder Woman (garlic7girl) is off fighting crime, I'll throw up today's shout out post. So, what's going on in your world? Scale victories? Non-scale victories? Something cool you tried out? Somebody inspire you? Other random silly anecdotes related to fitness?

Mine: Biatrixia turned me on to a blog post from a MFPer who really looks inspirational.
"New Rules of Weight Loss for Middle Aged Fat Men" by downsizinghoss.


  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    NSVs for my sunday: 1) I started p90x today. 2) I upped my calories to 2000 (!!!!!!) and am going to stick with it and see how it goes. I was eating at 1700-1800 for a long time. 3) I had my first protein shake. it was absolutely delicious. 4) I cleaned my stove

    Something cool I tried today. Dive-bomber push-ups. Holy hell. they are hard. It took every ounce of energy I had to do just one.
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    also, excellent post.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Thank you my comrade and fellow Justice League hero! Mr. AAK!!!!!!! YOU are now Cyclops! I have nicknamed you so a friend for life! YOU had my back! :D

    I learned today...I can lose and not go crazy! I don't have to exercise 6days a week! I do have to have at least 2 days of hardcore exercise though. Whew! That is nice to know!

    Oh and btw I know for men but I love that post!!!!!!! It so can apply to women to!!!!!! I will add one for middle aged women:
    40. Young bucks may chase after you and your hot middle aged body but they are STILL after only 1 thang!!!!!!!!! LOL!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Thank you my comrade and fellow Justice League hero! Mr. AAK!!!!!!! YOU are now Cyclops! I have nicknamed you so a friend for life! YOU had my back! :D

    I learned today...I can lose and not go crazy! I don't have to exercise 6days a week! I do have to have at least 2 days of hardcore exercise though. Whew! That is nice to know!

    Oh and btw I know for men but I love that post!!!!!!! It so can apply to women to!!!!!! I will add one for middle aged women:
    40. Young bucks may chase after you and your hot middle aged body but they are STILL after only 1 thang!!!!!!!!! LOL!
    If I can ever get ANY guys to chase me I will be happy, but I think they need to lose their fear of me first (just because I can wipe them off the map with no one knowing the wiser, doesn't mean I would...) and until then, I had the victory of having someone FINALLY believe me that my problem with losing weight is something with the food, now I may be able to make some progress!
  • MommyLovesHerFurBabies
    I had a solid first week back. I'm feeling great about it. I only lost 0.2lbs but since I was off for 2 weeks traveling and eating bad foods I was happy I lost anything at all!!
    This week my husband was the real motivator, which he usually is when we're working out. He made up a routine designed for each of us to get our target areas (his arms, my legs) and we both did core. And that was another big victory to me was being able to do the same amount of the same core exercises as my husband. He and I are very competitive and so we always try to out due eachother so when I fall short of what he does I feel weak, and I hate feeling weak.
    Unfortunately he's sick today so no real motivation there especially since I think he's giving me what he has...THANKS BABE! lol

    And not going to lie, Garlic7Girl posted up some status updates earlier this week that got me motivated as well!! I love reading your posts Wonder Woman! Their pretty inspiring!!!
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Thank you my comrade and fellow Justice League hero! Mr. AAK!!!!!!! YOU are now Cyclops! I have nicknamed you so a friend for life! YOU had my back! :D

    Oh and btw I know for men but I love that post!!!!!!! It so can apply to women to!!!!!! I will add one for middle aged women:
    40. Young bucks may chase after you and your hot middle aged body but they are STILL after only 1 thang!!!!!!!!! LOL!

    Justice League is DC. Cyclops is Marvel. Can I be Green Lantern instead?

    Yes, young bucks are after only one thing: Your excellent cooking! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I know Cyclops is MARVEL come on dude! But I need on base and Wonder Woman is DC so you have to come to the side she is on Capiote?!?!

    Siiiiigh! Men...Okay you can be Green Lantern but I LIKE CYCLOPS BETTER!!!!!!!!!!! ):0
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Ms Rach....what issue with food???
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    My shout out: I have made a strong commitment to kale.
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    The past week and especially today have been filled with physical injuries, emotional injuries and very much stress. My caloric intake is over my goal but not all that bad (basically been on a vacation since my brother and his wife are in town)

    Good news (NSV?): Some of my tops fit more comfortable, the sleeves aren't as tight on my upper arms as they use to be.