Shoe or just conditioning issue?

I posted this in Long Distance running as well--I didn't know where it would get answered so I apologize for the cross posting:

I have never had issues with shoes before, but I normally run no more than 4-6 miles. I have started training for a 1/2 and have increased my mileage over the past month. I started wearing my new shoes when I got up to 7. I am not sure if it's the shoe or just my body not being conditioned for this mileage but these past few weeks, when I get into miles 7-9, my feet and legs really ache. The first 6 miles are no problem but after that, I really start to feel it. I am leaning towards that it's my body, but I also don't want to keep pushing the shoes if they just aren't good for me. My 1/2 is on April 6 so should I attempt to break in a new pair or just keep pushing along (it's not so bad it's stopping me, just uncomfortable) and get through the 1/2? After the half, I plan to back off and stick to 6-7 miles tops


  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    If you wear a different pair do your feet ache also? That would be a good indicator. I rotate shoes each run. My feet did ache when first running a longer distance. However of you are wearing a brand new show and type you've never worn its possible they will hurt your feet until broken in. Sorry I know this wasn't very helpful.
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    Thanks for replying. None of my shoes ache until I get past 6 and then I hurt. I haven't been running in these long so I am going to keep trying them. It's just so hard to know because I am 39 and although I am in good shape cardiovascularly, I am still doing things to my body I have NEVER done before LOL I had never run over 7 (and that was once) so this is totally new for me so I don't know what's "normal"