Prepping for the week

Happy Monday!! I'm curious how y'all prep for the you make stuff ahead, prep veggies, meat, etc. We have a ritual in our house for this, but I kinda wanna switch things up once in a while, would love to hear other ideas!


  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    I tend to prep as I go.

    When I chop veggies... I prepare the whole item in the maner that I usually use it:
    Celery & carrots: sticks for munching
    bell peppers: strips
    onion: diced (I try to have 1/2c-1c diced in the fridge at all times)
    Lettuce, whole head cut, washed & saladspinned

    When ever I cook meat I try to make more than I need for the family meal & I portion the extra into single servings (snack size bags) and freeze

    Since I am not usually away from the home most days, I don't make up too many meals ahead of time... but I do try to look at the calendar the night before, and prep for the next day as necessary. It seems to work for me!
  • I like to have cooked lean ground turkey in the fridge. I add it to my morning breakfast burritos. Also, I usually have cut up celery, onions, and colored peppers. Mornings are crazy, but I've got my regular breakfast down to like 4 minutes. :smile: