Broccoli crust pizza

BIRDIEBL8 Posts: 155 Member
Last night I made this & it turned out awesome so I thought I would share.
Broccoli & cheese pizza crust
1 cup riced broccoli
1 cup fat free cheddar cheese
1 egg
dash of garlic, italian seasoning
I had about 8oz of frozen broccoli, put it in the food processor & chopped it till it was pretty fine. Microwave w/ 3 tab. water for 4min. Use a towel & remove as much moisture as possible, add egg, cheese & spices. Pat out on a prepared pan to about 9in & lightly brush top w/ olive oil. Bake @ 450 for 18min. Run a spatula under to prevent sticking & top w/ sauce, mozzarella & toppings. Broil for about 3 min & enjoy!
I put sun dried tom, artichokes & pepperoni on mine & can't wait to make it again.