my own worst enemy

GC2B Posts: 168 Member
Why do I do it to myself, I eat crap and know I shouldn't.
I eat a bit more and then feel awful.
If I know I will feel this low, and of course I always will, why do I do it?
Bad self control
So now I am bloated, feel fat and heavier than ever!
It sucks.
Weigh in tomorrow morning and I wont surprised if i'm back up to 10-4
I'm stupid.


  • lulaloops
    lulaloops Posts: 78 Member
    GC2B dont be so hard on yourself. your human. simple as.

    I do the EXACT same thing. we eat and put food in our mouth then wonder why the scales dont budge. so then we eat more.
    Its a vicious circle and so many people (inc my OH) dont understand why it happens! But it does.
    Some people say focus on something to give you motivation. My dress for example. I ordered it in August.
    So why am I still not at goal, and still not losing?

    I vowed to get to goal by end of 2012 and lose at least 5lb before wedding so had 5lb leeway for honeymoon. Neither of those happened. I'm still 7lb off of goal, with 12 weeks TODAY to go.
    I also vowed I would work out and try to tone up so I wasn't ashamed of my body on the beach. People don't understand it but my legs do not match a 24 yr old who has lost 5 stone. They look like 5 stone is attached to them!! You may say dont be silly, but seriously those people you see on the beach you think need to cover it up, my legs. I aint exaggerating.

    Neither of those happened, and how am I dealing with that? By buggering it up again.
    What you need to do is take control of yourself and your emotions and sort YOU out before working on the exercise and the food.
    If your head space isn't right then it isnt going to all work together.

    No point exercising loads if im not eating the correct foods, and no point eating correct foods until my head feels it wants to not HAS to! x