Post your starting weights here



  • MisterClandestine
    Hello all. I am Carey (CareyBeth) - I am 50 years old, retired last July and moved to our 80 acres in SW Virginia. I am married and have a 10mo old rescue lab mutt named Hoover.

    About 8 years ago I weighed almost 180 lbs. and lost 50. I kept it off for 6 years. Then, I discovered I have hypothyroidism (now on meds) and between that and retirement last year, I am up over 165 lbs. .... something I said would NEVER happen again. So, bought a Fitbit, have been trying to keep very active, and am on a quest to be healthy again. This is just the kick start I need.

    Team RUBY (I think)

    Currently 165.4
    Goal: 145
    10k steps every day for last 8 days.
    Trying to keep a daily calorie deficit of at least 600 - 700 per day.

    Other goals - get off blood pressure meds and get my cholesterol in check :)

    10,000 steps everyday! That is FANTASTIC Carey! The closest I have ever got, is about 9500, that is really GREAT! Congrats
  • melaniemiller2002
    How do we know what team we are on? Also, I see folks posting certain stats such as calories burned/deficit, calories consumed, steps taken, etc. Do I need to do that? I just ran a weekly report according to my BodyMedia armband and this is what I came up with:

    Average daily calories burned - 2355
    Average daily calories consumed - 1589
    Average daily calorie deficit - 766
    Average daily steps - 9445
    Average sleep duration - 5:28 (yes, I don't sleep much!)

    This includes 2 days of which I injured my knee moving and was laid up in bed (my usual daily steps are around 12,000). I ate Girl Scout cookies to console myself....LOL. And that led to an increased daily calorie consumption. I am trying to keep my calories around 1300/daily for a deficit of 1000 per day.

    So what are the teams all about and how do we know which team we are on? :smile:
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    Blue Team!

    SW: 165
    CW (SW for challenge): 163
    GW: 140
    GW for this challenge: 156
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    sw: 144.6
    cw: not sure
    gw- 123-125

    team green!!

    Had my baby 6wks ago and was cleared from the dr to do whatever exercises i want. lol. heeerrre we goooo!! i

    calories consumed on average is 2000! I am nursing as well, so I need to be careful and eat more, but looking forward to shredding these extra fluffy inches :))
  • akgurl
    akgurl Posts: 15 Member

    SW: 247
    CW ?
    GW: 180
  • plmkoijn
    Go Pink Team!!!

    ST: 205.6
    GW: 140-150
    Mini goal: get under 200!!

    I usually eat around 1200 calories and will burn about 500+/- a day. Last Monday I was down to 201 but a bad, bad week got me up to 205.6. It is very depressing and made me want to quit because I have been losing about 1-2 pounds a week and on one week of not watching what I eat like a hawk I go up almost 6 pounds its ridiculous. I also have Hypothyroidism and have been having trouble getting that under control. I am exited about this team I hope all goes well!. Yesterday and Today have been great.

    In about 3 weeks I have a police officer physical agility test so I am looking to get as ready as possible! Its not that easy for me to exercise since I am currently taking care of my mother who has stage IV renal cell carcinoma. So alot going on.
  • super_chicva88
    My name is Carmen. My SN is super_chicva88 feel free to add me! I will friend anyone!

    My start weight was:234
    My start weight for this challenge is 226.4

    My goal for this challenge is to get as close to 200 as possible but realistically i would like to be at 210 when this is over.
    I usually eat about 1400 calories a day but I love chocolate pudding so I sometimes go over board with it. I am trying to get on a better workout plan. I cant wait for warmer weather so i can walk/ride my bike/ run outside. I think i am gonna start 30DS this week. I wish I had some people who actually do what they say they are gonna do instead of just saying it. Anywho... lets go team RED!!!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    My starting weight as of today is 291.2. Just had a baby Dec. 10, 2012 and trying to lose what I had already packed on prior to the challenge. I want to lose as much weight as possible so I do not want to assign a number to it, Just waiting to see how I do juggling both kids and work.
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    This is going to be great! Look at all the awesome people doing this challenge! I'm very excited! I want everyone to get out their competetive sides and become the Biggest Loser!!!
    And hey Efirkey...yeah you with the big bucket of popcorn in your more of that okay!!??
    Everyone....control your portions and watch what you eat....what you eat is a huge part of the battle!:heart:
  • chocobis09
    chocobis09 Posts: 57 Member
    Team Green

    SW: 253
    CW: 244
    GW: 160
    Exercise calories earned: 717
  • mcrmsi77
    mcrmsi77 Posts: 216 Member
    Ok I joined Skinno and the challenge I just have no idea how to get on a team!! I only see two teams! But go whatever team I am on lol
    Natasha (mcrmsi77)
    I want to get healthy enough to have a baby this is my biggest motivation :). I did a little exercise today going to the actual gym tomorrow :) excited!!! Can't wait to see everyone progress!!1
  • gabesgourmet
    Green Team
    SW 272.2
    GW for challenge-250
    I'm excited for the team challenge!!
  • leisuregranny
    leisuregranny Posts: 12 Member
    SW: 180

    Got all my water in. Didn't get to the challenge today. With bad knees and a bum shoulder, there's a lot I can't do, but I do what I can. Airdyne bike 30 minutes a day. Walking (with a knee brace). Whatever works, as long as I can move. Spent the evening going over remodeling plans with my daughter and sol. They're buying our house and we're downsizing right next door. Ought to be interesting.:ohwell:
  • MisterClandestine
    I know this is off topic, but it is very important that we get it done, Please.

    And if everyone gets it done then I can come back and delete this message and stay on topic, YAY!

    1. Please use the same screen name on Skinnyo that you use on MFP or it will make it almost impossible to do a spreadsheet and keep track of everyone with all the different challenge pages.
    2. If you have already set one up, no problem its easy to change your screen name on Skinnyo, go to the ME tab at the top of the page, click on PROFILE, go to DISPLAY NAME and change it to match your MFP name, PLEASE :smile:
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    Ok I joined Skinno and the challenge I just have no idea how to get on a team!! I only see two teams! But go whatever team I am on lol
    Natasha (mcrmsi77)
    I want to get healthy enough to have a baby this is my biggest motivation :). I did a little exercise today going to the actual gym tomorrow :) excited!!! Can't wait to see everyone progress!!

    Way to go Natasha! I'm keeping my eye on you! I have a feeling that you are going to rock this challenge!! I want you to be the biggest loser....because you can do it!!! Then you are going to have that baby...when I read that I felt my heart skip a beat! join a team...if you look at the top of all the boards there is a post about joining teams "If you're new and don't have a color yet"...if you still have trouble after reading that send me a message and I will help you okay?

    Have a great time at the gym today! You can do it!!!:heart:
  • lorihov
    lorihov Posts: 43 Member
    Having trouble with my computer and myy phone won't let me join skinnyo will keep trying to get on a team. I'm new at this kind of phone I will figure it out. (I'll get my kids to help me)
    I started over in Feb. I had quit doing anything ate badly didn't workout but have decided I need to do this.I want to be able to keep up with my granddaughter and my nephew.
  • lorihov
    lorihov Posts: 43 Member
    Not to worry about going up, stress does horrible things to our body. Just know it was a bad week and go on. Just do what you have to eat well and do a workout and it will be ok in the end. Know that there's people behind you cheering you on that is what is so great about a group like this.
  • roxie_belle2013
    Yay Pink Team!!!

    SW 220.5
    CW 218
    GW 130

    Done day one of the 30 day shred this morning and will be doing kettlebells this evening :-) Can't wait
  • LeahKRayas
    LeahKRayas Posts: 68 Member
    Green team
    Starting weight: 184
    Challenge SW : 162.4
    (current ^)
    Goal weight: 130
  • AliandTrev
    AliandTrev Posts: 194 Member
    SW: 199
    CW: 182.6
    GW: 150
    Calories consumed yesterday: 1285
    Exercise calories earned: I didn't exercise yesterday.

    I have set my goal weight at 150 and once I get there I will see if I am comfortable with that or it will change. It's not all about that number for me, more how I look/feel. I have always weighed more than I look like I should. Even when I was small size 2/4 I still weighed almost 140.