Hi I'm Whitney and I need friends!! haha

I have been on this weight loss journey since about mid January. I am not going with any specific diet since I don't tend to last long with those so I am just eating healthy foods and have cut out fast foods and sugary drinks. My problem is working out!! I hate it lol. I have time in the evenings when I get off work to do it but just staying motivated is hard. When I get off work I just want to sit around and be a couch potato although all I do is sit at work. I am not a morning person at all so I know there is no way I would be able to commit to working out before work. I can't afford a gym membership right now so that is out but I just need to find something I enjoy doing..any ideas? I also need weightloss friends that will help encourage me and help hold me accountable. I have a long way to go but I plan on getting there this time! :)


  • akern1987
    akern1987 Posts: 288 Member
    I have the same problem...I cannot get myself to go work out, even though I know I need too!!

    Do you have a Wii or an Xbox Kinnect?

    Play some active video games, get zumba or dance central, they are super fun and it doesnt feel like a work out, it just feels like a video game?

    Or, just go for a walk before or after dinner when you get home, nothing crazy, just a walk around the block is better than nothing!

    Good Luck!
  • doodlemeg
    doodlemeg Posts: 57 Member
    I'll totally be your friend! I have some similar issues. akern1987 has a great idea with the xbox, I have Just Dance for xbox and I find it awesome, it's fun and it really gets you moving if you play long enough. I too find staying motivated super difficult but I have a long way to go, about 75lbs in all to lose so having someone to help motivate me and I them would be awesome! The evening is my most viable workout time as well since I have a toddler who likes to "try too" and when she is sleeping is the only time I can fully be into exercise.
  • shaenajones
    shaenajones Posts: 9 Member
    Whitney I hope you don't mind if I add you! I need support buddies too! I am trying to lose about 70 lbs. I have a major problem working out but like they both said trying to do the active video games would be great!
  • I don't have either one. My sister-in-law has a Wii though (actually my brothers lol). We did Zumba on it a couple of days but it is hard to get our schedules straight for me to go over there every day to do it with her. I am thinking about just getting the Zumba DVD set maybe or possibly starting the C25K program again. We shall see!! I am going to do my best to try and workout today!
  • luna16belle
    luna16belle Posts: 47 Member
    I don't have either one. My sister-in-law has a Wii though (actually my brothers lol). We did Zumba on it a couple of days but it is hard to get our schedules straight for me to go over there every day to do it with her. I am thinking about just getting the Zumba DVD set maybe or possibly starting the C25K program again. We shall see!! I am going to do my best to try and workout today!

    The Zumba DVD sets are good :)
  • radiantrox
    radiantrox Posts: 34 Member
    DVDs may be your best bet. I know they work for me. With my busy schedule and lack of motivation some days, my gym membership has been collecting dust and a waste of money, so it's less likely for me to make excuses if I can pop in a DVD, and work out at home on my own time.

    I could use more friends on this site as well. I hope none of you mind if I send a request as well :)
  • 15more4now
    15more4now Posts: 112 Member
    The more the merrier :)
  • NaomisGonnaWin
    NaomisGonnaWin Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Whitney, I am *totally* on the same boat as you. I'm a little embarrased to admit that up until about 2 weeks ago, I literally never worked out. Ever. Then two things happened: my doctor had a little chat with me about taking charge of my weight - that scared me. Then the next day, a coworker told me about MFP, and I checked it out, and it actually got me excited! There are so many incredible, positive, encouraging people here who cheer each other on.

    I'll share with you that the past two weeks, I've been working out on my own, and I've figured out a few things. The main one, though, is to start off with exercises that are FUN, and to not overstrain yourself to start with. If you totally rip yourself apart during a workout, you'll be really demotivated to work out the next day. But if you dial it back a little, work up a sweat but still able to talk during your workout, then when it's over you'll feel GREAT - and those endorphins running through you will actually pump you up to work out again the next day. As you get stronger over time, you'll be able to increase the intensity of your workouts. For now, just focus on making working out FUN and ENJOYABLE - that'll help you make exercise a real, sustainable part of your life, as opposed to a chore that you dread.

    And you don't need the gym - like everyone else here has said, just try Youtube videos or DVDs. I recently found a Tae Bo video that I'm obsessed with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pIcJ2N3UtA

    Anyways, I'll get off my soap box now. I hope you don't mind if I friend you... and anyone else is free to friend me too. My approach is positivity and encouragement, and I hope that we can cheer each other along!
  • mrsamyyoung2012
    mrsamyyoung2012 Posts: 33 Member
    "diets" have never really worked for me. I am just eating healthier and snacking a ton. My diary is open so anyone can see it, and I look at other peoples to get more ideas. I have started doing biggest loser DVDs and watching the show really inspired me. I love the DVDs, but I also love the wii fit too! Walking outside also keeps me inspired. I love going to parks and hiking too. I can't afford a gym membership right now either! I love to have friends so anyone that wants can add me!
  • AMBlass
    AMBlass Posts: 161
    You're more than welcome to add me. I run outside quite a bit, and I do strength training at the gym, but it's easy enough to do at home if you get weights. I NEVER use machines, they are so bad for you IMO because your body does not move like that. I like free weights a lot more because it requires you to use all your stabilizing muscles. Way more than you would if you were using machines at the gym. Needless to say, don't feel bad that you can't get to the gym!