TIRED…Rest between, or keep going?

juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
After last night’s badassery, I find myself really TIRED today…I haven’t been tired like this in about forever, and was thinking about some light cardio or something to do this afternoon, but am thinking rest might not be the worst thing, either.

Is it slack to really rest on your off days? I’ve really only taken a couple since starting back on MFP 45 or so days ago, and feel like a lazy @$$ if I don’t at least attempt to do SOMETHING.

Have a little DOMS going on in my chest and hips, and could very easily crash and nap for a few hours.



  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Go take a nap.

    I take 1-2 rest days every week. Your body needs them.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I'm lazy as **** on rest days. Catch up on tv shows since I don't have cable, goof off on the internet, drink a beer (actually usually not on rest days since I have to work out the day after a rest day - stupid lifting has affected my drinking schedule. I stared longingly at the beer section last night, and didn't buy any because I can never find time to drink at home...)
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Ok, awesome! :) I will NOT feel like a guilty sloth. :)

    I just filled out the sections needed in HeyBale’s worksheet, and am going to just eat and log calories as “1”. I’ll be eating about 1811 a day (oh, hellz yeah!) and don’t have to worry about what the darned HRM says when I am lifting. That is soooo cool! :)
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Sometimes I like to wear my HRM while lifting just to see how high it goes, and how fast it returns to normal. I disregard the calories though.

    I'm JUST getting to a point where I feel like I can do a little light cardio on my off days. Of course that might be cause I've had to deload on squats so much. My muscles aren't really having a hard time with them at the moment. I usually lift MWF, and maybe had the energy to do a little something Sunday. :laugh:
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    I'm lazy as **** on rest days. Catch up on tv shows since I don't have cable, goof off on the internet, drink a beer (actually usually not on rest days since I have to work out the day after a rest day - stupid lifting has affected my drinking schedule. I stared longingly at the beer section last night, and didn't buy any because I can never find time to drink at home...)

    I tend to drink on workout days once I'm done rehydrating...or, you know, just drink anyway like yesterday and work it off ;-)
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Yoga is also a fantastic option for those days! There are so many varying intensities of yoga workouts that you can find one to suit pretty much any mood plus the stretching really helps with lifting :happy:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    If you're tired there's nothing wrong with resting. ITs hard to switch to a lifting mentality but basically think of it like - what if I push myself today to do a crappy workout, and then tomorrow hwen Its time to lift I'm too tired to do it?

    On the other hand, what if I totally rest all day today (naps even) and my liting goes way better because I did that?

    Also - I tend to do stuff like housework, cooking, grocery shopping, etc on rest days. Its activity, but its not exercise.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Yoga is also a fantastic option for those days! There are so many varying intensities of yoga workouts that you can find one to suit pretty much any mood plus the stretching really helps with lifting :happy:

    I am absolutely looking at Yoga, because I think that learning how to control parts of my body and associated muscles would only be beneficial. In fact, I've got to go back to the first section of the chat thread and get the recommended yoga workout on payday. :)
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    If you're tired there's nothing wrong with resting. ITs hard to switch to a lifting mentality but basically think of it like - what if I push myself today to do a crappy workout, and then tomorrow hwen Its time to lift I'm too tired to do it?

    On the other hand, what if I totally rest all day today (naps even) and my liting goes way better because I did that?

    Also - I tend to do stuff like housework, cooking, grocery shopping, etc on rest days. Its activity, but its not exercise.

    Ok, I did play a little bit, but not to the point where I was falling out or panting. I plugged in the Wii and knocked tennis balls around with the computer players and did some bowling as well. :) I'm feeling like I'm not a waste of human skin, but not like I busted tail. :) If I'm playing, it doesn't SEEM like a workout, and it was movement, but NOT working out.

    I am really loving the lifting mentality. I'll make the shift. Probably sooner, rather than later. :)