HIIT me!!! Come on...it won't hurt!!! HA! 2/27/13

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

I love HIIT! It is a great way to get a high calorie burn for less time and if you live a busy lifestyle this is for you! The good part you can do it on most machines in the gym or at home! So, if a gym rat or not or live where it is freezing outside or sunny skies you can get this done!

Got 15-20 minutes? This is for you!

PS let me know today or tomorrow how you like it.


  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    I love short and intense. That is why I like my 20 Second Fitness.

    I did that and Butt Lift today.

    Feeling real good today. :D
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Well, it's Wenesday and we have voluntary HIIT after karate. I didn't on Monday becuase that is when I was starting to feel the cold. Last night I didn't go to TABATA which is a different version of HIIT because all I wanted to do was sleep. Today, medicine is messing with my head. If I make it through Karate, I'll be happy. HIIT will be optional. :frown:
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Well, it's Wenesday and we have voluntary HIIT after karate. I didn't on Monday becuase that is when I was starting to feel the cold. Last night I didn't go to TABATA which is a different version of HIIT because all I wanted to do was sleep. Today, medicine is messing with my head. If I make it through Karate, I'll be happy. HIIT will be optional. :frown:

    Try it once?
  • MommyLovesHerFurBabies
    I'm gunna add this to my workout. And now that Im in my workout clothes and got a fiber bar in m to keep me full till I'm done, I'm ready to go!! Now lets get SWOLLED!!!! lol
    (my poor dogs are ticked cuz their not going for a walk...to them PT clothes = WALK lol)
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I keep hearing about the HIIT programs, I do need to check them out, I get this once a week with Super Trainer (we do weights, combat, running, abs, and whatever else she can come up with
  • MommyLovesHerFurBabies
    Ok success is mine today.

    I did my normal workout of an hour (which includes the 650 reps of abs) + I did 3 sets of the HIIT + walked my dogs for 15mins = ready for a shower, lunch, and a nap!! BRING ON WEIGH IN DAY TOMORROW!!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Ok success is mine today.

    I did my normal workout of an hour (which includes the 650 reps of abs) + I did 3 sets of the HIIT + walked my dogs for 15mins = ready for a shower, lunch, and a nap!! BRING ON WEIGH IN DAY TOMORROW!!

    YOU are like a true Amazon! Nothing can stop you!