30 day shred?



  • bekki84
    bekki84 Posts: 11
    Its my first time using the 30DS. i happened to find it by accident. Starting level 2 tonight and have done level one 10 days in a row. Dreading level 2 but after 10 consecutive days i have noticed a massive difference since is started. Take before and after pictures - highly recommended. I feel slightly heavier (so don't go on weight alone) and measure yourself before you start so you know how many inches you will lose.
    I've been a gym goer in the past but i absolutely love this dvd! i'd much rather be a sweaty mess in my own living room than in front of other people!!xx
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    Level 1, Day 7 here!

    I've attempted it three times before and not got past day 7 because I get so bored, but seeing as the warmer weather has suddenly hit, I'm having another go!
  • micheabr
    micheabr Posts: 72
    I've done it. It was brilliant ans kept me going due to the fact I didn't get bored and it helps you form a routine. I was really pleased with my results :)
  • fiestabev
    fiestabev Posts: 14
    I'm loving it...but may stick with level 1 for longer....I've just increased my weights slightly though. The 20 mins is enough for me.
  • fiestabev
    fiestabev Posts: 14
    Today IS the day.....go for it..it's only 20 mins afterall. Good luck
  • knkmfp
    knkmfp Posts: 295 Member
    I'm on L3D7. I've seen results, but not miracles. As others have said, it's only 20 mins, free on you tube, and you will see results, whatever your level of fitness - what's to lose.
  • Cherryripple
    Cherryripple Posts: 27 Member
    Level 1 Day 6 today, only used weights the past 2 days though but i've definitely felt an improvement in my endurance/stamina. I've lost virtually a lb this week what with watching my eating habits too and after trying on a pair of my pants today, I found they weren't digging into my hips like they were before so, I've obviously toned a little too, which is great. :bigsmile:
  • Dead_Darling
    Dead_Darling Posts: 478 Member
    I'm halfway through level two and it's a killer, but I'm seeing results really quickly! Plus my endurance and stamina have improved so much since I'd started it :) I'm glad it's free on Youtube, although for level two I had to go on Vimeo for it. Go for it though, the results will be worth it!
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    I've done level 1 before but didnt keep it up... dont know why..... I really enjoyed it, its an excellent work out you definitely see results and really quickly!
    I'm planning on starting again next week after this weeks hiatus (uh yeah ignore that im here writting this 0:) ) as well as zombie run, hopfully this sun stays too!!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Jillian herself wishes no one did this anymore :)

    Her "upgraded" version of this is called "Ripped in 30" and has 4 levels - you do 5 days at each level, have 2 rest days and then move on.

    In my opinion RI30 is more fun than 30DS, but both get excellent results
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523
    I think I'll do 30DS and then see about RI30. Can't hurt to do both!
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    I'm currently doing both the 30 day shred AND 6 week 6 pack :wink:
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    I like it and I like her approach too. Rather than 10 days each level I've jyst kept going at eavh one until I could complete it without modifying or stopping - about done on L2 now. I like the way she doesn't assume everyone is a gym bunny but at the same time doesn't treat you like an idiot :)
  • knkmfp
    knkmfp Posts: 295 Member
    Jillian herself wishes no one did this anymore :)

    Her "upgraded" version of this is called "Ripped in 30" and has 4 levels - you do 5 days at each level, have 2 rest days and then move on.

    In my opinion RI30 is more fun than 30DS, but both get excellent results

    It's suggested you work out 5 or 6 days out of 7, but not to take more than one rest day at a time.
  • Mrsshellers
    Mrsshellers Posts: 157 Member
    I have dusted off my copy again after injuring myself last year with it (I ripped my thigh muscle :( ) but I am willing to try it again, I am aiming for at least a 6 day week work out which includes running, zumba/bokwa and horrible Jillian Michaels!
  • estielouise
    estielouise Posts: 46 Member
    I started doing this and the first time after I couldn't walk properly for 3 days. Then completely seperately I tore all the ligaments in my left foot, so been out of the exercise loop for 8 weeks now. Awaiting the all clear from the physio on the 31st! I will be joing the gym for swimming but intend to do this too! It was an excellent workout although the music was boring. Like lift music.
  • Mrsshellers
    Mrsshellers Posts: 157 Member
    I started doing this and the first time after I couldn't walk properly for 3 days. Then completely seperately I tore all the ligaments in my left foot, so been out of the exercise loop for 8 weeks now. Awaiting the all clear from the physio on the 31st! I will be joing the gym for swimming but intend to do this too! It was an excellent workout although the music was boring. Like lift music.

    There is music??? I dont remember hearing any over my breathing! lol
  • squankmuffin
    squankmuffin Posts: 130 Member
    I wasn't that impressed with it and, like some people have said, it can get boring. And even with mixing in the cardio and increasing levels, I do think you'd see more advantage from more variation.
    It's worth a go, if you can get it for free.
    For me it was a disadvantage only being 25 mintues as it seems to be set up to be done on its own, rather than worked in with another workout. I think my body was confused to be cooling down so quickly!
    I'd rather mix and match Blogilates workouts, to be honest. But each to their own.