Season 3 - Episode 12 "Clear" (03/03/13)

This thread serves as a place to discuss speculation, and then reaction to the 03/03/13 episode


AMC Sneak Peek:

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  • lotus_luv24
    lotus_luv24 Posts: 11 Member
    I hear rumors about tonights episode... I'm praying they are true!!! :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    It was so good to see Morgan again! I was wondering about him and his son. Bummer about the son. Looks like Rick's not the only one gone to Crazytown at the death of a loved one. I hope we see more of Morgan in future episodes. I love the character.

    Morgan sure is resourceful. The prison group could sure use his skills.

    Michonne's character grew in leaps and bounds in this episode. I think she spoke more in this episode than all the other episodes put together. And she has a sense of humor too. "We're eating his food now? "Well the mat said welcome.." :laugh:

    Callously leaving that hitchhiker to be on his own..I know why they did it, but then it seemed so cold to take his bag after he was killed. I know they can't trust strangers, but it was a sad ending.
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 564 Member
    Michonne speaks and she's pretty funny! I absolutely adored her character in this episode and loved the interaction between her and Carl then her and Rick at the end.

    All those booby traps that Morgan rigged up were amazing and geez did he stockpile on the ammo but I couldn't imagine what he goes through on a daily basis - having to spend everyday alone and with what happened to his son. Yikes.

    Seems like seeing Morgan the way he was may be Rick's wake up call with all the cuckoo-ness.

    Can't wait for next week (as usual)!
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Did Rick/Michonne/Carl take enough ammo back? It didn't look like much. Maybe they did more trips to the car than we were shown. I sure hope so! Morgan doesn't need as much ammo as Rick does.

    What's up with these Brits playing Americans? :laugh: The actors who play Maggie, the Governor, Rick, Morgan are all from England. It's strange to hear their British accents when you see interviews.
  • louisey112
    louisey112 Posts: 573 Member
    It was so good to see Morgan again! I was wondering about him and his son. Bummer about the son. Looks like Rick's not the only one gone to Crazytown at the death of a loved one. I hope we see more of Morgan in future episodes. I love the character.

    Morgan sure is resourceful. The prison group could sure use his skills.

    Michonne's character grew in leaps and bounds in this episode. I think she spoke more in this episode than all the other episodes put together. And she has a sense of humor too. "We're eating his food now? "Well the mat said welcome.." :laugh:

    Callously leaving that hitchhiker to be on his own..I know why they did it, but then it seemed so cold to take his bag after he was killed. I know they can't trust strangers, but it was a sad ending.

    ^^^ ditto. I really felt bad for that hitchhiker. I would be too soft in that situation - I would have definitely picked him up.

    More observations:
    Carl needs to take that hat off
    New way to attract and distract walkers was found - rats in cages - who knew?
    I hope Rick goes back for Morgan - he'd be a huge asset to the group
    Michonne smiled and her face didn't crack
    Loved that Andrea wasn't in the episode last night
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I felt bad for the rats. Even more than the hitchhiker. You know I don't pickup hitchhikers now in a relatively civilized world, so I don't know if I would in a zombie apocalpyse. My fear is that he would turn out to be another Randall type (remember that teen who was part of a group where the men raped two young women and forced their father to watch :noway: Plus, he's pretty dumb to make so much noise on an open road where zombies could come out of the woods.

    So glad Andrea wasn't in this episode.

    How on earth does Michonne move so fast? She's like a ninja. But at least we know a little bit of her backstory.
  • MsMuniz
    MsMuniz Posts: 399 Member
    So glad to finally catch up on Morgan, my husband and I have been talking about him since Season 1. And I loved Michonne in this episode. I think this is the best episode so far this season, which is kind of surprising considering it was all centered around Rick, Carl, Michonne and Morgan.
  • dxtra30
    dxtra30 Posts: 498 Member
    Anybody notice in the beginning of the episode when it says "Previosly on the Walking Dead" they show the sign for Erin , THEN when the show starts and Rick, Carl, Michonne get the car stuck in the mud the zombie hitting on the drivers side window is wearing an "Erin" necklace.

    I don't even remember Erin at all but I picked up on that .. Was she in the Atlanta refugee camp? I barely remember her missing or being terminated.. Anybody ?
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Anybody notice in the beginning of the episode when it says "Previosly on the Walking Dead" they show the sign for Erin , THEN when the show starts and Rick, Carl, Michonne get the car stuck in the mud the zombie hitting on the drivers side window is wearing an "Erin" necklace.

    I don't even remember Erin at all but I picked up on that .. Was she in the Atlanta refugee camp? I barely remember her missing or being terminated.. Anybody ?

    I did notice that - it said "Erin, we tried for Stone Mountain -J" or something like that (I remember because I used to live outside of Atlanta and went to Stone Mountain all the time).

    I also tried to remember if there was someone named Erin that we'd run across in the past, particularly with someone else with a J name, but I couldn't think of anyone.

    I agree, overall, with everyone else that it was a good episode. Michonne is growing on me, and I thought she was great in this one. I wondered about Morgan as well but was disappointed that he didn't decide to join them and bring his huge stockpile with him!
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 564 Member
    I thought the "Erin, we're trying for Stone Mountain" sign was at the beginning of the episode, not the the previous clips they show before the episode starts. I live in Atlanta so that stuck with me when I saw it at the start of the show. Anyway, I'm pretty sure it's not anyone they know, just a random person that TWD was trying to connect to the sign at the start of the show.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I thought the Erin reference was a reference to some random person, not anyone we've met before. I also thought it was at the start of this episode as they drove by the pile of cars on the road, not a recap of something in the past.

    Do you think the hitchhiker was a former Woodbury person? He seemed so clueless about what to do on the open road.
  • dxtra30
    dxtra30 Posts: 498 Member
    I thought the "Erin, we're trying for Stone Mountain" sign was at the beginning of the episode, not the the previous clips they show before the episode starts. I live in Atlanta so that stuck with me when I saw it at the start of the show. Anyway, I'm pretty sure it's not anyone they know, just a random person that TWD was trying to connect to the sign at the start of the show.

    Well my point was the sign said "Erin" and the Zombie who attacked them in the car was a woman and she had on a bracelet that said "Erin" in letters on her hand so just thinking it was the same person.. Didn't know if she was a clue to something or just an Easter Egg in the show.. Was just seeing if anybody else caught it too :)
  • Great episode!! I love Morgan, and the actor who plays him is awesome! I hope this isn't the last we see of him. I love that we finally see a softer side of Michonne. I think it's so strange how the group doesn't want her even though she brought back the formula, but take Merle in, let him have a lethal weapon on his stump and later on a gun!! WTF! Would love to see Rick use some of those boody traps around the prison. And I hope Carl doesn't take his hat off!! It's a nod to the comics!
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    This was a really heart breaking episode. I liked how they showed how far off the deep end someone can really go if they are left alone. I think it helped Rick too to see that he wasn't the only losing his **** at the end of the world. Morgan did have a good setup and like someone else said I hope that they incorporate some of his booby traps at the prison.

    I was surprised that they didn't pick up that hitchhiker at the beginning of the episode. And it was even more surprising when they stopped and took his backpack. It really shows a contrast of how Rick has changed. Before he wanted to save everyone he could. Now he has zero f(*ks to give.
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 564 Member
    Well my point was the sign said "Erin" and the Zombie who attacked them in the car was a woman and she had on a bracelet that said "Erin" in letters on her hand so just thinking it was the same person.. Didn't know if she was a clue to something or just an Easter Egg in the show.. Was just seeing if anybody else caught it too :)

    Ohhh ok, gotcha. I thought they were the same person as well but I assumed it was just a random thing, not related to anything specific in the show. :)
  • Ashkea76
    Ashkea76 Posts: 7,162 Member
    was kind of disappointed they didn't pick up the hitch hiker, though I get why they didn't........initially I thought the people in the car were the same ones Darryl helped to save earlier...but towards the end thought that was unlikely. couldn't remember if it was the same car or not.
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I forgot about this group!

    Loved the episode! Michonne spoke more than she has since she first showed up! I'm glad they let her be her and her and Carl had that moment....and she got that fabulous cat!

    Poor Morgan. I can't imagine what's it's like to watch the two people you love the most turn into something like that and then have to kill them. I'd lose my mind too! Though...having an entire room painted in chalkboard paint would help my craziness a little. lol

    Maybe they made multiple trips. I mean, Morgan basically had enough weapons for an army in his place. Sad that some people's houses in America actually look like that. lolol
  • Ashkea76
    Ashkea76 Posts: 7,162 Member
    watch a few episodes of Doomsday :wink:
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Great episode. I need to watch is again to pick up on all the subtle clues they had in Morgan's living quarters. I was really shocked that they just drove on by the hitchhiker - but completely understand given the reception they've gotten from the prisioners and the govenor.

    Wish Andrea would get bitten soon - she is very annoying and had her chance to kill off the gov...
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    The more I think about it the more I agree they did the right thing driving by the hitchhiker. The person could have pulled a gun on them and made them give up the car and any other weapons they had on them. Then they'd be out in the middle of nowhere, far from the prison, and on foot. Also, you can't add more people to the group unless they have some skills. It's not a charity after all. I know that's cold, but then again taking a new person means sharing the limited food they have available at the prison.

    The good thing about finding Morgan is that Rick and Co. now have an alternate place to go to if they have to leave the prison. Hopefully, Morgan retains his sanity if they ever shack up with him. The man has some mad skillz for making booby traps. Better than even McCauley Culkin's character in Home Alone. :laugh: