How many of you have mother's or sisters with PCOS?



  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    I suspect that my mother has it although she's never been diagnosed. She spent a long time trying to get pregnant with me, and didn't have any other kids. She shares a lot of my symptoms i.e. excess hair, heavy periods, weight gain, skin problems etc etc
  • harleydall76
    harleydall76 Posts: 586 Member
    I have no idea where any of my issues come from. No one in my family has ever had PCOS or any fertility issues. I am the first and only one.

    I'm the same way, and my family especially my mom don't know how to handle my emotions with trying to concieve.

    Mine either.
  • theuber
    theuber Posts: 51
    A paternal cousin and I both have PCOS. It was interesting because I was diagnosed first, and then she started telling me about her symptoms nearly a year later and I told her to go get the blood work and pelvic ultrasound done. Low and behold I was right.
  • Valetta09
    Valetta09 Posts: 11 Member
    First and only, go figure --- I have a HUGE extended family. All my cousins = fertile as can be to top it off !
  • futmom
    futmom Posts: 23 Member
    After I found out I had it I asked my sisters and they both have it as well. Not sure about my mom as she never had issues with infertility and doesn't have the other symptoms. Most of my family is in Mexico so don't really know where we got it from. Have been on and off the metformin, don't like the side effects. But trying a new one that the doc says is easier on the stomach. Hope that helps and hope to lose some of the weight.
  • LiveTheLifeYouWillLove
    Nobody else in my family has been diagnosed with it however, I think my mom has it. She has several of the physical symptoms-skin tags, hirsutism, etc. and I think she said once she had irregular cycle. I also have a cousin who has some major reproductive issues but not specifically pcos. We have to remember that PCOS wasn't really identified during our mother's 20's and 30's so they might not know they have it. When I questioned my mom about it when I was diagnosed she kinda had an 'aha' moment but wouldn't look into it any further. She's old, what do ya do right? :)

    Just a thought though, if you are looking into family history, you may want to consider finding out who might have diabetes, especially in the older family. There might be undiagnosed PCOS but diabetes could be hint of uncovering family genetics.
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    No one in my family has been diagnosed by my two sisters, and almost all of my female cousins are at risk for it. None of them have it like I did though. I am not sure why.
  • pippishortstockings
    pippishortstockings Posts: 18 Member
    I suspect my mother and grandmother have it but are undiagnosed, as well as my twin sister. Both my mother and grandmother had A LOT of trouble conceiving until.... SURPRISE!!!

    PCOS is something that doctors often used to diagnose things that looks kind of like it but they haven't seen before. I don't have cysts on my ovaries but have been diagnosed with PCOS due to others symptoms. My symptoms, however, are completely different than a friend of mine, who has also been diagnosed. Go figure.
  • piety633
    piety633 Posts: 4
    Nope, just me with PCOS. No one else even knew what it was. My sister has endometriosis, so it took her a while to conceive. Everyone else is extremely fertile!