Can I workout?

otisrose Posts: 10 Member
I really want to exercise with all this surplus of energy. Are there any precautions I should take during my juice fast? I will most likely just do about 30 min of cardio or so and some kettle bell work? I have done a 60 day juice fast in the past and dropped 45 lbs, but I felt like I lost all my muscle too. Any advice?


  • Evachiquita
    Evachiquita Posts: 223 Member
    I think that as long as you don't feel ill or bad you can work out! I think you lose muscle from inactivity. Based on some reading I've done (sorry don't have sources), to maintain muscle mass during weight loss you should exercise. That's not to say that you won't lose some muscle mass, but it should be less than if you did nothing.