
tgo6st1 Posts: 4 Member
Hello all, I was wondering if you could give me some advice. I lost 17 pounds now have put on a few. I am struggling to see any weight loss now. My best friend tells me I am in starvation mode?


  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 833 Member
    1) make sure you are measuring everything correctly
    2) make sure you're eating enough calories (especially if "starvation mode is a concern")
    2a) are you eating back exercise calories as appropriate?
    3) 3 pounds isn't really enough to not yet be normal bodily fluctuation, so if you are doing everything properly, don't panic, just stick with it

    those are my thoughts without seeing your diary...
  • hjay07
    hjay07 Posts: 28 Member
    What kind of exercise are you doing? I find that I tend to plateau at a certain point and I have to change up my workouts in order to get things going again. For instance, I usually just run, but I get to a certain point where the scale isn't moving anymore. When I mix in some weights with my cardio (I LOVE Jillian Michaels 30DS and RI30!), things usually get going again.