New to Group - Just sayin' hey..........

So, I am new to this group and just wanted to say hey to all my two wheeled demons out there... I'm from up here in New England and hungry for spring to finally get here.... For those of you enjoying the uninterupted two season life, F*** you!... (out of shear jealousy)! For those of us forced to winterize our ****.... stay strong, ou time is coming and we'll be tearing it up sooner than we think.... Everyone, be safe and watch your 6 and keep the rubber side down!



  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    Welcome! I don't exactly have COMPLETE year round riding, but I certainly don't winterize as we have MANY random 70 degree days all winter..usually followed the next day by 30 degrees, so bike must be ready to roll at a moment's notice! lol Spring is right around the corner and then relief will come from the severe PMS (Parked Motorcycle Syndrome).
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Hi Kooch, welcome! I'm in Denver... Rode my bike over to get new pipes one fine day last week, since then it snowed 8 inches. LOL. We may have to bust out the trailer to get it home.

    Good luck to you in your journies.

  • starryk
    starryk Posts: 53
    Hi Kooch.

    I can relate to the cold part - I'm from Ontario. Generally at this time of year we are starting to see a bit of a break in the weather - but, this morning, I honestly don' t know how that weather man survives.. with no death threats. "They" are calling for snow, rain, slush and general yuk, for the next week... WTF.. that's all!!

    Good luck to you here!
  • dsl01
    dsl01 Posts: 97 Member
    I can't complain. Jan/Feb. for us is generally wet and cold, but snow is infrequent. We'll get a 50-55 degree day every so often, so I do get out some.
    We should be seeing temps in the 60's late in March, so getting close .
  • ladyrider55
    ladyrider55 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi Kooch. Come on in from the cold & join the Biking Group :wink: I'm in WI & rite stuck in the winter of it all. They're calling for more snow this weekend.....yuk!! I'm tired of snow shoveling & gazing at my purrrty Bike all nestled in the warm garage. I'd rather be out Riding then sitting here in the house. I'm like a caged cat waiting to pounce in the Spring & Ride my Bike :glasses:

    I have a feeling when warm weather comes to those of us that are stuck in winter now, we won't be seeing much of each other cause we'll be out Cruisin the Roads on our Bikes......ohhhhhhh yeahhhhhh can't wait!! :blushing: :bigsmile: :love:

    Sue in WI :smile:
  • KevinS62
    KevinS62 Posts: 239 Member
    Welcome Kooch. I rode this weekend. It was cold, but nothing chaps and leather jacket couldn't make bareable. :D
    NKKQQCH Posts: 2
    Great to hear from you all! Thanks for the replies! It's a pleasure to meet all my new two-wheeled friends!
