A stupid thing I did today

Thought you gals might be entertained by this story... Forgot to write down my weights for the gym today (Day 2!! Workout B!!)

Went to do deadlifts and thought oh, I think I should be doing like...90 today. Felt SUPER HARD but I thought I was just tired because i did deadlifts last and I've been doing a lot of manual therapy today (student physical therapist)...

Nope, went to my log when I got home and I'm only supposed to be doing 65!!

Anyway, lesson learned about progressing slowly, warming up, good body mechanics and taking my notebook to the gym!

I got really lucky and didn't hurt myself but I might not be so lucky next time. :P


  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    I am on my second day workout B too. I use the app stronglifts 5x5 on my iPad and my deadlifts said 95lbs. Is it set by body weight? Just curious. I found the 95lbs rather easy and was impressed with myself because I have never done a deadlift and I was really freaking over the having to do 95lbs the first time out. I am using the app and upping my lift weight by what it tells me.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I have tried the app, but it starts everything out at 45, and I can't do everything at 45 so I use Mehdi's spreadsheet. Well, that and the hubbage making tick marks on a notepad, LOL...

    Hell, who am I kidding...I can only squat and bench at 45 and the bench damn near killed me on Monday.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    I started with the empty oly bar on Tuesday. Squats were good, chest presses were a b*tch and rows were okay. I think my rows were actually 65lbs. Squats and chest press 45lbs. Today squats at 50lbs, overhead press which I hate with a passion, 45lbs, and deadlift 95 lbs. The only thing that has been hard for me is the upper body stuff. I have lower body strength like nobody's business because I lift heavy things like people and stretchers (I am a paramedic) at work and use my legs for lifting like a good girl. But my upper body strength sucks. I have a feeling I may be at 45 for a bit with upper body.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    IIRC then 95 is the pre-canned startup weight for deadlifts, 45 for all the others.

    I had to work my way up to all of those except for the bench presses cause my chesticles were already built a little from all the yoga planks.

    No shame in starting as low as you need to, for sure!
  • fishlover888
    I am on my second day workout B too. I use the app stronglifts 5x5 on my iPad and my deadlifts said 95lbs. Is it set by body weight? Just curious. I found the 95lbs rather easy and was impressed with myself because I have never done a deadlift and I was really freaking over the having to do 95lbs the first time out. I am using the app and upping my lift weight by what it tells me.

    I think you are supposed to start at 95 if you can. I started low because honestly I didn't think I COULD do that much!! And also cause I want to really make sure I have the form down properly and protect my back. My hamstrings get super tight so it's hard for me to get down far enough for the deadlift without losing the curve in my back.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    IIRC then 95 is the pre-canned startup weight for deadlifts, 45 for all the others.

    I had to work my way up to all of those except for the bench presses cause my chesticles were already built a little from all the yoga planks.

    No shame in starting as low as you need to, for sure!

    I'm jealous of your chesticles!
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    I am on my second day workout B too. I use the app stronglifts 5x5 on my iPad and my deadlifts said 95lbs. Is it set by body weight? Just curious. I found the 95lbs rather easy and was impressed with myself because I have never done a deadlift and I was really freaking over the having to do 95lbs the first time out. I am using the app and upping my lift weight by what it tells me.

    I think you are supposed to start at 95 if you can. I started low because honestly I didn't think I COULD do that much!! And also cause I want to really make sure I have the form down properly and protect my back. My hamstrings get super tight so it's hard for me to get down far enough for the deadlift without losing the curve in my back.

    No shame in that. One thing you dont want to do is blow out your back. Thats why I will probably stick with 45 on the upper body because I know I am weak, when it starts feeling easy I will add weight, but I cant afford to mess up my shoulders or arms trying to lift heavier.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    I have tried the app, but it starts everything out at 45, and I can't do everything at 45 so I use Mehdi's spreadsheet. Well, that and the hubbage making tick marks on a notepad, LOL...

    Hell, who am I kidding...I can only squat and bench at 45 and the bench damn near killed me on Monday.

    I love the phone app, I just put the real weights in the notes if I can't do at least 45lbs.
  • cjlorigan
    cjlorigan Posts: 209 Member
    I started SL 5 x 5 on 2/11. I'm lifting M-W-F and finally had my first failed set 2 days ago. I'm loving it but started @ the 45# for all but deadlifts and 90# (I think) for those. I just go by the spreadsheet unless I know my form was poop or I failed then I stay at that weight until I master it. Here's where I'm at:

    Workout A (weight 2 days ago)
    Squat - 85#
    OHP - 55# (fail on last set)
    Deadlift - 110#
    Bicep curl (with bar) - 30#
    Tricep (dumbbell behind head thingy..lol) - 20#
    chest flys - 15# each hand

    Workout B (will attempt tonight)
    Squat - 90#
    Bench - 65#
    Barbell Row - 80#
    Adductor/Abductor (machine) - 115# ea

    I added a few different lifts for now cuz I was bored waiting for the squat rack..:wink:

    Edit: And since I take my cell with me everywhere I keep track of everything there!