looking for a partner and mabe a friend

Embera Posts: 291 Member
ok im a 21 year old female i want to loose about 85 pounds but my bigest goal is to get my stomach under my boobs if it makes since aka i dont want to see my tummy when i look down at my boobs

i have a daughter that im not with long story and im back with my parents so i have less control over what comes in to the house until i find a job so im looking for some one to help me with ideas and to push me to work out i work better in a competitive environment but partners ive had in the past just kinda left im looking for one who will challenge me and push me to more than anything exercise i need new and different i don't really have equipment so its hard anyway hope someone can help if u have questions just ask


  • akenesson
    akenesson Posts: 88 Member
    Hey Embera,

    Im much in the same boat as you, in alot of respects, and would love to be each others accountability partner if your game... I'm 31 years old, 5'9" and weight 300 pounds... Ive always been overweight, but this is about the highest I've ever been. I've been on MFP before, and it worked, I've lost 30+ pounds pretty easily here, so Im begging, pleading, hoping, and needing for it to work again, for my own happiness, sanity, and health...

    I lost my job back in September, in which I fell off the bandwagon and get all of that weight back, and I too now live with (and take care of) my parents, so food choices are pretty much out of my control around dinner time... I've REALLY been looking for a "Biggest Loser" style competition to join in on, particularly a team based one... And If I dont find one I might just make one [which might also give me a commitment to stick with it...

    I really need someone to watch me, make sure Im reporting, and while slips will happen, I need someone to help me get back "on the horse" so to speak when they do...

    If your interested let me know... and if you find a competition, also, please, let me know...
  • Embera
    Embera Posts: 291 Member
    i would need to clear it with my feionce he gets pretty jealous but i agree i need some one to help push me and challenge me ive fallen off a few times before mostly in frustration in my lac of control so perhaps we could talk more about challenges to use
  • akenesson
    akenesson Posts: 88 Member
    And we all have our moments of weakness/lack-of-control, its what makes us human... For me, eating is my vice; its how i cope with life, stress, and how I enjoy life when its otherwise ****ty... I dont do drugs, I dont drink too much... Food is my drug... But, what matters is that we get back on; and understand that we are human and not beat ourselves up too much over our mistakes...

    If you ALWAYS get back on... then its no longer a matter of "if" youll get there, just a matter of "when"...

    As for the competition I decided to make my own... so far we have 8 people, Im hoping to get another 4-8 so we can have 3 teams instead of 2 =) But we'll see...