weight training?

DianaV86 Posts: 146 Member
Does anyone do weight training along with Turbo Fire? I just ordered my set and I'm very excited to start but trying to see how to do it and still incorporate my 3x weekly weight routine that I do.


  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    I kinda do, I do Charlean extreame and turbo fire. She is weight lifting but it sounded like you do your own thing. I think that is one really nice thing about doing these programs. You can do what you want to mix it up or do what they have already figured out. I do CLX every other day with my rest day on sun. So 3 days TF 3 days CLX. Someday's I end up doing both like weights and a HIIT. Weight days are normally start my monday and cardio on sat helps with soreness. Hope this helps, Good luck to you. :)
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I do, I substitute Tone & Sculpt with strength training workouts like No More trouble Zones using heavier weights, I also do Chalean Extreme Burn Circuit 1, which came with my Turbo Fire discs and I just discovered Fitness Blender, they have a kick *kitten* workout called functional strength training. Building muscle helps increase your metabolism.
  • DianaV86
    DianaV86 Posts: 146 Member
    Thanks for the info! I'll have to wait until I get the set (delivery on Tuesday...yay!) and check out the schedule and then I can go from there