btw what is ednos?

I see it all the time but dont know what it means


  • EDNOS means Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified.

    People who have ednos have an eating disorder with symptoms that don't necessarily fit one eating disorder. So the symptoms meet some criteria of anorexia and bulimia, but not fully.

    Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is the only e.d. that is categorized as EDNOS, sub therapeutic anorexia and bulimia are also diagnosed as EDNOS because the person doesn't meet all the criteria for that one condition.

    Hope this helped. xx Annabelle
  • I see, and I guess Thats what I would be qualified under, except I am older than most and I tryly am FAT I binge but dont purge, and eat too much to be ana, but deffinetly have an ED please read my other not your typical Ed post to get the whole story if your interested and let me know what you think. my every thought consists of food and eating weather its what to or what not to eat, what I can or cant eat. it has been this way for as long as I can remember, but when I attempt to lose (because I need to) it becomes worse. thanks for that by the way.
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    i have EDNOS. My body weight doesnt meet the criteria for anorexia or bulimia but I meet much of the criteria for BED and bulimia. I've tried purging in the past (though I never was able to make anything come up), and supplements and exercise as punishment. Even while in the hospital for my (past) cancer diagnosis, I still felt compelled to exercise (though the cancer had made me anemic). I was doing pushups and jumping jacks and crunches in my hospital room. Thankfully, Ive loosened up after reading some books on Intuitive Eating.

    But anyways, main point: someone with EDNOS might not meet the weight requirements to be categorized with BED or anorexia or bulimia. There's also Night Eating Disorder which is under EDNOS as well. ANjella, im not a professional but that sounds like the path to an ED, at least in my experience. I know what it's like, when you go throug a meal as if you're gasping for food and cant stop. YOu eat the food so mechanically and then freak out and try to compensate afraid of the weight gain. When food becomes the center of your life and it takes up so much of your day, i think that's when it's time to get help. message me if you would like any tips:-)
  • But, its hard because you HAVE to eat to live. And, I have a family husband 2 teen boys and a teen daughter I dont want my food problems to wear off on them. But food is a big part of our lives, I mean we all love to cook, bake and eat. I love to eat, Just cant weigh as much as I do now. so I have to cut back. food is everywhere and cant be given up all together. Its a struggle and I dont think anyone understands and because Ive never let on to it before and now Im 34 years old, thats to old to have an eating disorder. aghhh so fustrating.
    I dont throw up, I to have tried and failed. I dont exercise much, but recently got a membership to a gym. I try to go a couple times a week. I have some exercise games at home but cant bring myself to do them for so many reasons.