Day 17 _ what keeps you going?

ISABELCOADY55 Posts: 113 Member
Day 17: What have you done so far to keep yourself going?


  • GreenLaura22
    GreenLaura22 Posts: 110 Member
    I have been vigilant about logging everything. It has kept me honest and focused. I keep thinking about this summer and going camping on the beach with my family. I only want to be focused on the beauty of the time with my family. I don't want nagging thoughts of self loathing getting in my way anymore.
  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    Waking up happy each morning since I haven't binged. Ahh, what a great feeling.
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    Day 17: What have you done so far to keep yourself going?

    Log everything, drink lots of water, keep busy and away from the fridge and pantry, especially at night.

    Katemarcus is right on! it is a happy feeling to wake up not having binged the night before.:smile:
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    A good feeling to wake up to, a good feeling to go to bed to. Hopeful feelings that I'll get my body (abs) where I want them to be eventually. Enjoying when my pants aren't too tight. Feeling like I'm giving my girls a healthy inspirational role model. When I cook healthy dinners and my older daughter tells me I'm the best chef in the world (we were eating couscous and turnips!)
  • Thelxinoe
    Thelxinoe Posts: 32
    I've actually been having trouble sticking to my goals lately. I've been home a lot and that often makes the snacking worse. So I'm determined to get back on track, as I do like the feeling of control I have over my eating/health and the satisfaction I get from a good food journal entry. I also think about the fact that I too set an example for others and that my health and well-being affects my loved ones. This community/website is another great motivator!
  • Waking up feeling good for not bingeing, working out before breakfast, then while I eat I log in to MFP and respond to the 50 day binge free post. It really makes me feel accomplished. I also have to mention that I have definitely not been 100% good about staying away from treats and I am very proud of it. I am allowing myself small cheats once in a while like a small frozen yogurt or a mini Reeses egg, and have been able to do it without regret which is usually what triggers a binge. I have been so good about not bingeing and even more important, I haven't been letting food control me. :)<3
  • candiceprov31
    candiceprov31 Posts: 21 Member
    I've been praying (I can do all things through Christ!) and crocheting to keep my hands busy and lets me forget about my cravings

    Tonight was a close call!!!! Probably the closest yet (and the nights still not over:( )