Leave 20 Mins After a Meal Before you Hit the Fridge Again

Before you decide 'oh I still feel hungry after that', give it 20 mins. Your brain doesn't register that you've eaten for approximately 20 mins after your meal, and you can still feel hungry during this time. This is a time when many hit the fridge or food cupboards again, and end up eating more when they needn't have. Have you ever done this and as you're cooking the extra food, you've thought 'actually I'm not really hungry anymore'? Give it a minimum of 20 mins. If you can't wait about, do something to distract yourself. Put washing in the machine, wash the dishes, empty the dishwasher, bleach the loo, feed the pets, do some ironing, or whatever you can, and see if you're still hungry after that 20 min period.