****Daily Thread****

cjem2011 Posts: 43 Member
Hello Team!

So, here it is! Our Clean Slate since Combat has finished for the majority in the group. I set up topics for everyone to reflect what week you're in. So if you're currently in Week 3 of Combat, click on that topic to find others in the group on the same schedule. If you 're in Week 8, click on "Week 8 of Combat" and so on.

Today is Day 1 of the Ultimate Reset for me. I have really let myself go over the last few weeks. I'm not going to dwell, though...that's what I'm doing the Reset for. I need to get my nutrition back on track! No workouts for me, other than some stretching or Pilates...

What are your plans for this week? Is anyone here actually using MFP to log their intake?


  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Morning CJ and Team.
    I'm still playing with Body Beast until I actually start it on the 18th.. Did Legs on Saturday and I am DYING!! I followed that up directly with Combat 30 with my 6 year old and that was probably a logistical mistake. If I'm walking, I'm ok, if I'm sitting, I'm ok. But, after sitting for no more than 5 minutes, it KILLS me to stand up and try to walk. It's like someone beat me with sledge hammers on my calves, things and butt cheeks. I did Back and Bi's yesterday and it takes about 24 hours for the pain to hit, so I should start whining about that sometime later this afternoon. :)
    As for logging food, I'm hit or miss. I was very good to begin with to see what I was doing. When I was stuck at a weight, I started logging again to see where I was messing up. Right now, weight is still leaving me (almost 25 lbs down and 5 lbs under goal weight) so I'm not as steadfast about logging.
    Everyone have a great Monday..
  • cjem2011
    cjem2011 Posts: 43 Member
    Hello Team!

    Dale-- I could definitely see not logging if you're below your goal! It seems easier to log when there is a focus, either to gain or lose weight. I want to log my intake here and there on the Reset so I can see what I'm ingesting. I'm sure it will be fairly low, especially since there is no working out. I'll consider it 3 long Recovery Weeks ;)

    The Reset is going well so far, but the food prep is killer. I have my daughter read to me while I try to get lunch and dinner pre-prepped. It's a lot of work, but I won't complain if I see the results I'm hoping for: weightloss, better sleep, more energy, clearer skin, etc...

    Speaking of the Reset, time to drink water and start finishing dinner prep. Have a great day, Team!
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Morning Team..
    I walked into the workout area knowing I had Body Beast - Beast Cardio and Beast Abs this morning. I'm thinking, I've completed Insanity and Combat, he can't throw anything at me that will be all that tough. WRONG!! Here's to being surprised by your program.
    Holy crap. I was out of breath and sweating and actually taking breaks here and there. I've got a bit of work to do to keep up with that little 30 minute cardio program. The Abs program isn't that tough. There is one move I can't do. Lay on your back, have legs together and straight up and then lift your hips off the ground. My lower back won't move like that, so I have to modify. Other than that, I can do that routine. Ab Ripper X is still the hardest Ab routine out there. But, I won't take any Beast routine for granted anymore,
    How you feeling today CJ?
  • cjem2011
    cjem2011 Posts: 43 Member
    Hello Team!

    Dale--thanks for asking...I'm feeling better but the Reset is kinda kicking my butt right now. Most people that I know of do NOT have all the symptoms I have (fatique, killer headaches, draining, etc). I am very sensitive to foods, good or bad. So I'm sure my body is like, "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING???" My headache is nearly gone today so that will be a big plus. I am missing my Combat workouts for sure, though!! ***When you were talking about that 30 min killer workout...that made me think of LMP Step. MAN! That workout is killer---I can't help but to clock-watch, haha...

    It's almost the weekend, Peeps! Stay strong!! Summer is just around the corner and even if you don't have any intentions of putting on a swimsuit, we'll still be wearing shorts and t's. Gotta look good! :glasses:
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Glad you are doing better..
    Yes, I heard that LMP Step was a bad one.. I heard others say that Dan is in the routine and even he looks winded at one point..
    I'm getting geared up.. 10 days until I start Body Beast Officially. My wife started getting irrked that I was in her Gym, so I had to make a small investment so we could both keep working out in our own schedules and not get in each other's way. Since we both need weights and trying to double up on all our dumbells (5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 25, and 30 lb at the moment) would be majorly expensive, I got the Bowflex Selectech 552's being delivered today. Although they are an investment, if you added up going from 5-52 lbs in pairs of dumbells, it would be much more than that, so I had to look at overall cost and not initial cost. I'm getting pretty pumped about Beasting out. :)
    Oh yeah: IT'S FRIDAY and looks like we might get nice weather this weekend.. Mid 70's on Sunday..
  • cjem2011
    cjem2011 Posts: 43 Member
    Hello, Team

    Dale--It looks like it's just me and you right now ;-) I love, Love, LOVE my Select Techs!!!!! Vince and I got his and hers w/ tax money one year b/c I was doing Chalean Extreme. I've never regretted it and even use them for LMP and Combat sometimes,

    This Reset is kicking my butt! I'm wondering where my boundless energy is going to come from ;-) Although I will say that I talked to Vince last night about incorporating more vegan recipes into our diets and getting away from so much meat. The recipes are pretty delicous and don't take any more time than regular meals to make.

    We're heading into the weekend! Have a great one!
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Well, it was just you for the weekend. LOL.. I don't log on much during the weekends because we staty so busy.
    But, I'm back on during the week. Nice break from staring at spreadsheets, policy letters and metrics all day..

    I did my first workout with the Selectechs on Saturday.. I really do like them. I'm not very quick at changing the weights and the length of them takes a bit of getting used too, but I'll get used to them. Luckily, with Body Beast, pushing pause to change out the weights doesn't necessarily wreck your momentum or anything like it would in a cardio program.

    So, week 2 for you in the Reset.. I sure you hope you feel great after all this. This seems more brutal that any workout regime you can do. Especially the lack of energy.. Doesn't really bode well for home schooling when you are totally drained.. No idea how it all works, but hopefully, you'll starte getting a bit more ebnergy this week. It's only 3 weeks long, right?

    Switching up my cardio for this week. Did Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance this morning. BIG difference from when I was doing Insanity. Much more stamina and less breaks. I still suck at tricep dips, so I rested in those, but other than that, no other stops except for the scheduled water breaks. Felt good, but I was shaking at the end, They are right, it never gets easy, you just get better.

    Have a great day!!
  • cjem2011
    cjem2011 Posts: 43 Member
    Hello Team (Dale! haha...)

    How is everyone? My Teen is home for the week, so we are enjoying her. I will be glad when she's home for the summer. *Sigh*... I like it best when all my 'chicks' are together and am I seriously old enough to have a freshman in college???! GULP!!!

    Dale-- No, I actually don't log into BB or MFD on the weekends either. It helps to keep me more focused during the week. Yes, the Select Techs can feel bulky. And I don't feel super-confident using them as push-up stands (like in one of the Combat HIIT workouts), but I love them overall and am glad we made the leap. We bought stands for them, too and that helps w/ time b/c we don't have to bend down and lean over to see what we're doing.

    Ah! The Reset. Yes, it's in 3 stages: Reclaim, Release, and Restore. The first weeks seems to concentrate on phasing out meat and dairy while taking the supplements that help promote digestion. Week 2 is more of the same, but you, um.....go Number 2 a lot. It's like the Colon-Cleansing stage. People generally feel REALLY energetic after Week 2 b/c you've purged your insides of any/all toxins. Finally, Week 3 is Restore...you continue taking the supplements that help promote better digestion. By this week, you'rre not eating grains at all...so it's a TON of fruits and veggies. Expensive...I think it's sad that in order to eat healthfully, we must spend a lot of money.

    Anyway, I know this week will go quickly and then I'll only have one more week left. I'm going to try to introduce sweets and meat into my diet the way the program suggests. I don't think anyone one food is really evil (other than soda), but the combination of wine, chocolate, meat (and the the overabundance of it in my system) really bogs me down. I'd like to make some changes that my family and I can adopt into our lifestyle.

    I feel really successful though-- I FINALLY got my kids off of dry cereal and Ramen! That is HUGE for me! They now eat oatmeal and farina (rice cereal) and we they some scrambled eggs w/ tofurkey today, in a corn tortilla. It was a huge hit so I'm happy :)

    Insanity is an old friend!!!! I'm glad to hear you're getting fitter and fitter, Dale. Imagine...what were you like a year ago? And now? You have come a LONG way! I'm proud of you, Brother!

    Until tomorrow :)
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Hey , how is everyone doing, i only have 2 more weeks of combat left i am so excited, i am still deciding which hybrid i will do, i am leaning more towards turbo fire/ combat, hope u guys are having a great monday
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Morning Everyone..

    Tried someting new this morning.. Tried an Insanity The Asylum Vol 1 routine this morning. Did Back to Core. And, yeah, my shoulders are burning. Not a lot of kcal burn like I got from normal Insanity or Combat, but I can feel in the areas that got worked. Only a few more days until my official start of Body Beast.. Doing it with a group of folks, so that will be fun like it was with Combat. I'd like to keep up my cardio, but crap, I'm so beat up and hurting afterwards (for days) I'm not sure how I can keep up with it. I guess I'll figure it out over time..

    Hope today is going ok for you CJ.. After you get finished with your Rest, you, me and all the local folsk wil have to meet up for a social hour somewhere..

    I'll be interested to hear about your hybrid choice Cookie.. I know a few folks that are doing Combat/Pump. As long as your doing something, you're kicking it,.,.
  • cjem2011
    cjem2011 Posts: 43 Member
    Hello Team!

    Cookie-- I'm on the Ultimate Reset right now, so now workouts for me. But I plan on doing an LMC/LMP hybrid when I come back from travelling, mid-April. I look forward to getting PUMED UP! :)

    Dale-- YES!!! I definitely want to meet up! I have to be careful how I add food back into my diet, for about a month. By the 21st of April, I'll be good-to-go :)

    Just a short note today, Friends--I'm off to take the kids to the park!

    Have great Tuesday!
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Morning Everyone..
    I succumbed to the time change, or whatever it is, this morning. I made myself get out of bed at my normal time, I let the dogs out, gave them their treats and then climbed right back in bed. SIGH.. I was, and still am, dragging today. I have no idea if it's the time change, the weather or just a case of the blahs. I'm kinda hoping I can get out of here a bit early today and maybe go home and get in a workout.. But, as of right now, I got nuthin. Of course, I'm hearing other people around the building talking about how they had a rough time today also, so I guess I'm not alone. I think what really hurts me is not being on a schedule. Since I am in between programs right now, I don't have a schedule to follow. I just decide the night before, or the morning of, what I'm going to do depending on my mood. I guess I didn't feel like deciding. But, Monday starts my 90 days of Body Beast, so I will be back on a schedule then.
    Hope everyone is doing better than I am with their energy level today.
  • cjem2011
    cjem2011 Posts: 43 Member
    Hello Team--

    Dale-- I think sometimes, we just have 'one of those days'! I am so like you-- I NEED a schedule! Left to my own devices, I tend to do nothing. Having a calendar gives me something to mark off every day. I'm hoping that the hybrid group on FB has some kind of plan worked out for LMC/LMP by the time I start mid April.

    I am glad to see the sun today. We'll go the park again and let the kiddos enjoy some sun. Kind of a lazy day today--I'm not complaining! ;-)

    Have a great day, Team!
  • LeanQuest
    LeanQuest Posts: 57
    Looking forward to starting week 2 of the warrior plan today. Just weighed in and dropped 6lbs in the first week!
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Morning Everyone..

    @LeanQuest: Congrats on your weight loss.. Great luck on the next 8 weeks!!

    Whatever was causing my blahs or no energy is gone today! Both girls got in trouble at school yesterday, so it was a quiet evening around the house. Homework, no TV, supper, talk about it time, bath and bedtime. So, we all actually got to bed early. Slept all the way until my alarm went off and then I got up and KILLED Combat 60 Live. Feeling awesome today.

    Halfway through your 2nd week CJ. How you holding up?

    Everyone have a great day!
  • cjem2011
    cjem2011 Posts: 43 Member
    LeanQuest-- that is INCREDIBLE! Great job on those 6 lbs lost! I'm curious--are you following the meal plan that came w/ Combat? **BTW, if you're on FB, many of the Combat folks here have joined our Secret/Closed Group. If you're interested in joining, please friend me at "Cj Working Out" and I'll get you in right away. Though, please let me know your from MFD b/c I don't accept requests from people I don't know :huh:

    Dale-- Although it's not good when our kiddos get in trouble at school, I had to smile at your timetable of the evening...especially your "talk about it" time. Yep--we have a few of those in our house, too. :) **So after some sleep, you felt really motivated and hit the workout hard, huh? Hmmm...I have to remember things like that. I'm guilty of staying up WAY too late and then dragging the next day! I think C60 Live is my favorite Combat workout. Oh! Oh!!! I printed out the hybrid schedule you posted on FB. Thank you again for posting that on our page.

    The Reset is going great :-) I'm down to the lowest weight I saw when I was doing Combat, but I'd like to see quite a few more drop over the next couple of weeks. Although the Reset is over after next week, I'll have a week before I travel and I'll be using that week to pretend that I'm still on the Reset. I like how I feel eating this way (no meat), though I did have a sudden craving for Popeye's Chicken yesterday! GULP!! :noway:

    I guess I needed a break from working out and logging my food. Another week 'off' and then I'm back to it. I am more determined than ever to see my goal weight :)

    Have a great day, Team! STAY WITH THE FIGHT! :angry:
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Good Friday morning Team!!
    Yes, the weekend is almost upon us. Got up this morning and did, what has become, my normal Friday workout.. Combat 30 Live and Inner Warrior. I still love these workouts.. Inner Warrior, I do just because I need the stretch.. My upper back was feeling really tight yesterday and it felt good to stretch this morning..
    I also stepped on the scale and hit another milestone today.. I am 25 lbs down.. When I started this journey, I only wanted to lose 18 lbs. That wasmy goal. That was a healthy weight for me. Now, I am 25 down and I could possibly go more.. But, now the scale isn't going to be my goal. My new goal is going to be BMI and Body Fat % and those numbers.. I'm going to get the fat % down and the muscle % up.. I have already had significant movement in both, but I will take what I am consdiering my starting %'s this weekend and keep a 90 day log checking every 30 days.
    Hope everyone else has started their Friday on a high note like I have.. Have a great day!!
  • cjem2011
    cjem2011 Posts: 43 Member
    Hello Team!

    I normally love Fridays, but this week has gone by too quickly. My teen goes back to college on Sunday (boo!!!!!! :sad: ). We have enjoyed our time with her immensely.

    Dale--Your weightloss is incredible-- I WANT IT!!!! Haha.... You must be heading towards what is a naturally 'fighting weight' for you. I bet all this trimming down is going to make your 6-pack really obvious later!

    The great thing is that the official Reset is almost finished for me. Sunday will be the end of Week 2 and then I'll only have one more week left. It seems that no matter what I'm doing, time passes so quickly!!

    To our Newbies....the topics are set up to accomodate whatever week YOU are in. So if you're in Week 2, post in that group, and also on this daily thread, if you like. We are so happy to get new members.

    Until Monday--and have a GREAT weekend!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Only one more week till i finish combat i am so excited, still haven't decided which next program to do, i really want to to Tapout, i love anything that has kickboxing or karate,but then i really want to try something else like a hybrid to get me pumped for summer,have any of u guys tried Les Mills Pump, how did u like it? what were ur results?, any before or afters, hope u guys have a fabulous weekend
  • gabesgourmet
    Holy Hell on a wheat cracker...Shock Plyo Hiit kicked my butt...I mean totally. I only made it through 16 minutes. I have been off today in every way, but tried to push through and just could not do it. Oh well...tomorrow is a new day. damnit.