dating a woman with kids

moonshadows72 Posts: 180 Member
So I met a woman through our church singles group. We started talking and we seem to have a lot in common. weve been talking for a week now over txts and calls, yesterday I joined her for church. I really like this woman and Id like to persue more.

The issue is that she has 2 kids. Now dont get me wrong, I love kids! I dont have a problem with her having children. My only concern is that she has the kids 100% and she also works full time. So It will likely be difficult to get much time together for dates... Ill admit, Ive never dated anyone with children before so its all kinda new to me.

Anyone here have any recomendations for date ideas that would help make things a little more convient?
with kids and without.


  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    So I met a woman through our church singles group. We started talking and we seem to have a lot in common. weve been talking for a week now over txts and calls, yesterday I joined her for church. I really like this woman and Id like to persue more.

    The issue is that she has 2 kids. Now dont get me wrong, I love kids! I dont have a problem with her having children. My only concern is that she has the kids 100% and she also works full time. So It will likely be difficult to get much time together for dates... Ill admit, Ive never dated anyone with children before so its all kinda new to me.

    Anyone here have any recomendations for date ideas that would help make things a little more convient?
    with kids and without.

    Heh. My ex wife when we started dating had kids. It was new to me as well but the good news is, it isn't nearly as complex as you think.

    Most of the time women do not want a "stranger" (and let us face it, if you just started dating this girl you are a stranger) to be introduced to their kids.

    That being said she will probably not want you to interact with her kids UNTIL she decides you are a good guy, or she decides you have some long term potential.

    All that being said, as far as date ideals go it won't (or shouldn't) affect the types of dates you have.

    Just do things she likes to do. Most of the time your dates will be kidless.
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    So I met a woman through our church singles group. We started talking and we seem to have a lot in common. weve been talking for a week now over txts and calls, yesterday I joined her for church. I really like this woman and Id like to persue more.

    The issue is that she has 2 kids. Now dont get me wrong, I love kids! I dont have a problem with her having children. My only concern is that she has the kids 100% and she also works full time. So It will likely be difficult to get much time together for dates... Ill admit, Ive never dated anyone with children before so its all kinda new to me.

    Anyone here have any recomendations for date ideas that would help make things a little more convient?
    with kids and without.

    Heh. My ex wife when we started dating had kids. It was new to me as well but the good news is, it isn't nearly as complex as you think.

    Most of the time women do not want a "stranger" (and let us face it, if you just started dating this girl you are a stranger) to be introduced to their kids.

    That being said she will probably not want you to interact with her kids UNTIL she decides you are a good guy, or she decides you have some long term potential.

    All that being said, as far as date ideals go it won't (or shouldn't) affect the types of dates you have.

    Just do things she likes to do. Most of the time your dates will be kidless.

    Exactly. I have a four year old son and I have always been really careful about introducing him to anyone I dated. To get to the kid introduction part was a big deal. When I dated, I did it on the nights when he was with his father or I got a babysitter. Just ask what her availability is and see if the kids ever go to their dad's. Eventually, if all goes well, you can do stuff with the kids but remember to keep the one on one dates happening too. :)
  • LGrill27
    LGrill27 Posts: 337 Member
    The last two people I dated both have kids. How old are the kids? Planning a date with the kids can be fun especially if you’re a big kid at heart. Movie… kids movies now days are fun for kids and adults alike. Bowling… a seven year old has just as much chance with a strike as I do which is fun. Not sure what part of the country you live but miniature golf is always a winner. A science center and zoo are other big hits.
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    So I met a woman through our church singles group. We started talking and we seem to have a lot in common. weve been talking for a week now over txts and calls, yesterday I joined her for church. I really like this woman and Id like to persue more.

    The issue is that she has 2 kids. Now dont get me wrong, I love kids! I dont have a problem with her having children. My only concern is that she has the kids 100% and she also works full time. So It will likely be difficult to get much time together for dates... Ill admit, Ive never dated anyone with children before so its all kinda new to me.

    Anyone here have any recomendations for date ideas that would help make things a little more convient?
    with kids and without.

    Heh. My ex wife when we started dating had kids. It was new to me as well but the good news is, it isn't nearly as complex as you think.

    Most of the time women do not want a "stranger" (and let us face it, if you just started dating this girl you are a stranger) to be introduced to their kids.

    That being said she will probably not want you to interact with her kids UNTIL she decides you are a good guy, or she decides you have some long term potential.

    All that being said, as far as date ideals go it won't (or shouldn't) affect the types of dates you have.

    Just do things she likes to do. Most of the time your dates will be kidless.

    Exactly. I have a four year old son and I have always been really careful about introducing him to anyone I dated. To get to the kid introduction part was a big deal. When I dated, I did it on the nights when he was with his father or I got a babysitter. Just ask what her availability is and see if the kids ever go to their dad's. Eventually, if all goes well, you can do stuff with the kids but remember to keep the one on one dates happening too. :)

    This! I have a 9 year old daughter and that was never a problem with my dating. She goes to her dates every other weekend and if I choose to do things on other nights I would get a sitter. I generally like to be able to do things at least once a week with a guy I am actively dating so yeah I had to arrange for a sitter or a sleepover for my daughter on occasion. No big deal.

    I don't introduce my daughter to anyone I date unless it is going somewhere. So far she has only met one guy I dated and we never got to the point of doing things with our kids along before we broke things off.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I agree with all the posters.

    As a single mom who has her kids 100% of the time, it really isn't a big issue.
    I have a few babysitters and I also have the kid's father who takes them when he isn't working.

    I can go out and do anything that I want, sometimes I just have to be mindful of the babysitter's hours if they aren't with their dad.

    Also agree that it takes some time for someone to introduce you to their kids. Don't be insulted, take it that she is a good mom!!!!
    I have only introduced my kids to one man, I would say it was 1.5 months in (hindsight maybe too soon, but we did date for 9 months) he had kids so outtings were easier - but really anything, movies, minigolf, bowling, amusement parks, zoo. It's easy to amuse kids.

    Kid's aren't a complex issue, I have quite a social life regardless of same. It's too bad when people pass over us single moms ;)
  • moonshadows72
    moonshadows72 Posts: 180 Member
    her kids are 7 and 5. because of how we met, (at church) I was given a brief introduction to her kids and her and I talked for an hr while they played. Unfortunatly for them, theyre dad isent really around at all. She has them 100% so date nights when the kids are at their dads isent an option.

    I am a big kid at heart lol. I have no problem having movie nights or dinner and games with the kids at my place or theirs. But I dont think were to the point yet where I should be very involved in the kids lives.

    I guess a sitter can be a good option, but Im sure it can get expensive quick.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    her kids are 7 and 5. because of how we met, (at church) I was given a brief introduction to her kids and her and I talked for an hr while they played. Unfortunatly for them, theyre dad isent really around at all. She has them 100% so date nights when the kids are at their dads isent an option.

    I am a big kid at heart lol. I have no problem having movie nights or dinner and games with the kids at my place or theirs. But I dont think were to the point yet where I should be very involved in the kids lives.

    I guess a sitter can be a good option, but Im sure it can get expensive quick.

    I don't have a set schedule with the kid's dad, so I do use a sitter alot. It can get pricey, but it is, what it is. I try not to use a sitter more than once a weekend though, so if I wanted to go somewhere late or overnight, I would ask a friend. If you want to date, there are ways :)

    The nice thing is that you did meet them at church, so they are familiar to you and the surroundings. That is a positive.

    Thing big thing here to remember is that, yes she has her kids alot, but you TWO only need to form a relationship first aside from kids. You need to nurture that and see where it goes. Don't mix the two, too early.
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    Kid's aren't a complex issue, I have quite a social life regardless of same. It's too bad when people pass over us single moms ;)

    Yes it is too bad that single moms sometimes get passed over because guys see the kids as an issue. With some single moms (and single dads, too), they may make the kids an issue when they really aren't. Generally if they use the kids as an issue it is that they themselves are not really wanting to date. I have a single mom friend that uses the excuse of no sitter as an excuse not to date and I have a guy friend that uses his son and needing to spend time with him as an excuse (he has his son 50% of the time and he's 14). He and I dated for a few months but decided we make better friends but on weekends when he had his son, a lot of the time the son was staying at a friend's house or off doing something else without him. This would un-nerve me because we couldn't do anything that weekend because it was his weekend with his son but then I would find out the son was off doing something else and the guy was hanging out with his buddies. I understand the need for time to yourself and time with your buddies, but don't use time with your son as an excuse if that is not the case. As I said he had the other 50% of the time for that. In the end he finally said he wasn't looking for a relationship and only wanted to be friends. So instead of telling me that from the beginning, he used his son as an excuse to limit his time with me.
  • Moe4572
    Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member
    I don't have kids, BUT my best friend has one child and when she was single and dad was not very involved.......she would have the guy come over after her daughter was asleep to watch a movie or whatever. I have had a single dadssuggest this as well for a dates with me. Another option is if you offer to pay the sitter sometimes.......that might help?
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    Yes after a few dates, the coming over to her place after the kids are in bed to watch a movie would probably work just fine, too. And as kimad said if you want to date you will find a way whether it's getting a sitter for dates or having friends or relatives (if she has any nearby) to watch the kids for her. If there is a will, there is a way.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Kid's aren't a complex issue, I have quite a social life regardless of same. It's too bad when people pass over us single moms ;)

    Yes it is too bad that single moms sometimes get passed over because guys see the kids as an issue. With some single moms (and single dads, too), they may make the kids an issue when they really aren't. Generally if they use the kids as an issue it is that they themselves are not really wanting to date. I have a single mom friend that uses the excuse of no sitter as an excuse not to date and I have a guy friend that uses his son and needing to spend time with him as an excuse (he has his son 50% of the time and he's 14). He and I dated for a few months but decided we make better friends but on weekends when he had his son, a lot of the time the son was staying at a friend's house or off doing something else without him. This would un-nerve me because we couldn't do anything that weekend because it was his weekend with his son but then I would find out the son was off doing something else and the guy was hanging out with his buddies. I understand the need for time to yourself and time with your buddies, but don't use time with your son as an excuse if that is not the case. As I said he had the other 50% of the time for that. In the end he finally said he wasn't looking for a relationship and only wanted to be friends. So instead of telling me that from the beginning, he used his son as an excuse to limit his time with me.

    I agree, so many times people use their kids as an excuse. Sometimes I think it is an excuse not to date, and other times I think they honestly feel bad and devote all their time to them. I personally want to date and meet someone, so I strive for a healthy balance. What you are saying would frustrate me too. Most men I have dated had their kids every second weekend, but the last one had his one week on, one week off. I would still see him on his kid weekend, he would go to his uncles. I don't know, it just depends how serious the person is.

    I do say to the OP though, you need to be sensitive of her availability. Sometimes babysitters aren't available or cancel. She also has their committments.

    I am ok either way if the man has kids or not... I tend to lean more to having kids (if they are good involved dads) but seperated men are a dealbreaker. You need to be 100% divorced.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I don't have kids, BUT my best friend has one child and when she was single and dad was not very involved.......she would have the guy come over after her daughter was asleep to watch a movie or whatever. I have had a single dadssuggest this as well for a dates with me. Another option is if you offer to pay the sitter sometimes.......that might help?

    I did this ALL the time, once we were at a point to have house visits lol....
    I would never let a man pay my babysitter, that's just me... maybe offer to pay an extra date or something (depending what your set up is when you get there)
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    I do say to the OP though, you need to be sensitive of her availability. Sometimes babysitters aren't available or cancel. She also has their committments.

    I am ok either way if the man has kids or not... I tend to lean more to having kids (if they are good involved dads) but seperated men are a dealbreaker. You need to be 100% divorced.

  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    If you offer to do thing like going to the park were you can talk while the children play ect you will get more time. But be understanding children get sick babysitters cancel ect. Also if you know someone whose a good babysitter (sister ect) and offer her as a sacrafice it goes a long way lol
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    As a single mom, I say goooooooo for it!

    My only real advice is to keep the kids out of the picture until you are 100% positive about your feelings towards her, and that you guys can be a successful couple. I learned this the hard way with my most recent ex.

    It might mean you have to see her less than someone without kids. But you can also visit after the kids go to sleep. Or rely on her excellent babysitter-finding skills. If money is an issue, there are friends and relatives. Or others from her church. Some single parents groups also offer babysitting coops, she might already know about some.

    Good luck!!!
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    her kids are 7 and 5. because of how we met, (at church) I was given a brief introduction to her kids and her and I talked for an hr while they played. Unfortunatly for them, theyre dad isent really around at all. She has them 100% so date nights when the kids are at their dads isent an option.

    I am a big kid at heart lol. I have no problem having movie nights or dinner and games with the kids at my place or theirs. But I dont think were to the point yet where I should be very involved in the kids lives.

    I guess a sitter can be a good option, but Im sure it can get expensive quick.
    My current girlfriend has split custody but I don't think it would really work out we didn't have Tuesdays and every other weekend to do our own thing. I wouldn't feel good about her getting a sitter a couple times a week for a few months or until things got more comfortable. Even after 8 months I like hanging out with her and the kids but I still enjoy our alone time a lot more (and not only because of sex).

    It just gets more complicated. I would have a long discussion about how things would work out. Ask her how many times a week she'd be able to hang out without the kids and ask yourself if that is for you. You also need to consider holidays, vacations, etc. And ask yourself if things do work out, are you ready to basically be a full time dad?
  • moonshadows72
    moonshadows72 Posts: 180 Member
    Im sure I could help cover the cost of a sitter if she lets me. And I really like the idea of the movie after kids go to bed.
    I guess it generaly means although your not likely to get a lot of long dates when dating someone with kids, you can always increase the quality of the date. I also immagine that anything spontanious isent usualy possible, so theres a lot of planning ahead for time. (all new to me... not so good at it lol) But Im sure that I can find ways to make the nights quality rather than quantity.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Parents are people... But they are responsible people!

    I think I am personally too irresponsible for all this and probably wouldn't be a good match with a single parent.
    And also I wouldn't be a good example for the kids.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    But Im sure that I can find ways to make the nights quality rather than quantity.
    Good thinking :smile:
  • fullofwhimsy
    Parents are people... But they are responsible people!

    I think I am personally too irresponsible for all this and probably wouldn't be a good match with a single parent.
    And also I wouldn't be a good example for the kids.

    Funny you should said this. I was just kind of thinking the same. I am possibly too selfish to date someone knowing that they will always put their kids before me.

    I like kids a lot, though I don't necessarily want my relationship or world revolving around them..particularly in the early stages.