Week 3 Mar 4-8



  • mlanggin88
    mlanggin88 Posts: 209 Member
    Grrr...had a gain this week. Sigh. I feel like I've been up and down so much in the past few weeks; it's starting to get depressing. Gonna try to keep my head up and keep going.
    I know what you mean, but mindset is more than half the battle when it comes to weightloss. So, let's try to stay positive, maybe spice up the routine a bit to get invigorated. Keep it up! We're gonna break through soon...

    I agree completely....... Just focus on 1 day at a time and what you can change.. Me, I will be cleaning out my cupboards and fridge out with nasty food and replace it with good food... I already made a grocery list... I also plan adding a little more cardio to my regiment.. I think focusing on the goal at hand helps too... My goal for next week is to get out of the 250's all together for my birthday celebration on Saturday. As of right now I am 253.6 which means I have to lose at least 3.8-4 lb to reach my goal.. A little high but my goal is still my goal until I reach it... Hope that helps :)
  • aefallis
    aefallis Posts: 169 Member
    Forgot to post my weigh in yesterday. Down to 187.2. I think that makes a loss of .6 this week. Not bad considering this last week was HORRIBLE!
  • SteveK279
    SteveK279 Posts: 134 Member
    I did update the spreadsheet, but I don't think I posted in the topic. I hit my probably pessimistic goal of 220 for the challenge, so I guess it's worth trying to see just how much further I can go before Sunday. 220 was only an average of 1.5lb/week and a nice number as it's also 100Kg...lower numbers are always nicer though!
  • mlanggin88
    mlanggin88 Posts: 209 Member
    Soo I noticed I never input my weight for Week 3... I was going to update but completely spaced.

    SW 256.8
    W1 255.6
    W2 254.2
    W3 253.6

    So far down 3.2 for this challenge... Looking forward to a great end to the challenge and pushing through to end week4 with a bang :)