Tumblrs for weight loss inspiration

ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
edited January 16 in Social Groups
Are you on Tumblr? I have a personal one and also a weight loss one. If you want to follow the fit/health one -- here 'ya go!


Now for a random line of others... (These might help to look over for inspiration when you feel like giving up, I'd highly suggest you make a weight loss tumblr also just for support/encouragement/dedication)


There are MANY more, just look at notes on posts and you will find a lot of weight loss Tumblrs ~

Ways to stay motivated...

1. Find a quote that motivates you and put it somewhere you will see it every day.
My desktop background right now is:

You can find motivational quotes here
2. Find exercise that you enjoy doing.
There is no point going running if you hate it and dread going. If you find something you enjoy, you will look forward to doing it! To get started you can click here for some exercise videos or here for some yoga videos.
3. Plan your meals each week.
Plan healthy breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks. If you know exactly what you are going to eat each day, you are less likely to binge. If you have a sweet tooth, Blogilates has some great healthy dessert recipes which you can find here. Also try making your own healthier versions of food, you can see my peanut butter chocolate here. Swap white bread, pasta and rice to wholegrain! Eat fruit and vegetables every day and drink lots of water!!
4. Set realistic goals.
You’re not going to suddenly have a 6 pack after 1 week so be patient! Don’t be disheartened if there are exercises you cannot do straight away - these come with time and practice. Each week record your off-scale achievements. Stronger arms? Holding a plank for longer? Better endurance?
5. Stop hating yourself.
A lot of the time, the problem is not your body but your mind. Be grateful for the body you have and take time to appreciate what you like about it. It is okay to like your body!!! Start accepting compliments :)
6. Identify your downfalls and avoid them!!
Mine are soda and crisps (or chips depending on where you live) I set myself a 30 day challenge to not have these.
7. Mental health
Being scared to ever eat sugar or fat or being upset and angry when you’ve missed a workout is not healthy. Don’t dwell on things, move on. Live as healthily as you can and trust me, the occasional pizza or cake is not going to kill you or suddenly make you obese!
8. Finally, finding benefits of a healthy lifestyle that aren’t to do with the number on the scale.
Clearer skin
More energy
Feeling happier (exercise releases endorphins)
A sense of accomplishment
Boosted immune system
Decrease in stress levels
Confidence booster
Less risk of getting high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease etc
Better sleep
New relationships (gym classes etc)
Exercise and certain foods can play a role in preventing cancer

If you have any favorite Tumblrs, or you made your own -- post it in the comments and I'll follow you =)



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