That lemon is how much?!?!!?!? 2 for $4 bucks!!

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

Now if you have a budget like mine and we all see where the country is going with budget then this article will mean something to you! The proverbial question HOW CAN I EAT HEALTHY ON A BUDGET?!?!?
This is cool...there are still some cheap eats out there but sometimes we forget about the humble cabbage (I had it twice this week already) or the plain red delicious apple.
Most folks will have to adjust diet even further with all the cuts etc going on but we can still be healthy in fact even more important to eat healthy then and fight the stress and not give into to the family double bad of cheese puffs for a $1!!!!!

CHallenge self and see what low cost items you can put on grocery list or find a new recipe for it that you never thought of before.
PS I got it from here


  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    Without even studying for this test, we have 11 out of the 12 listed affordable superfoods right now. That's an A!

    We are missing the cabbage. :(
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Something else to keep in mind is to get seasonal fruits and vegetables. You're going to pay a less for a higher quality meyer lemon in September than you will for a regular lemon in February. Kale has been in season throughout the winter and collard greens are supposed to be coming into season soon. Both are ridiculously cheap already, but availability will change.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    :ohwell: We have 11 more days of Induction. So there are 6 things in this list that we can't have and one that I can't get my family to eat. I :heart: KALE! Actually just about any kind of green I :love: . The only time the fam will eat it if its fresh in the salad role. Cook it and they turn up their noses. :cry: But no lentels, no fruit, no oats, no peanut butter. Very Low Carb for 11 more days. At the moment my son is so disheartned and I know his sugar addiction is kicking in and screaming "what are you doing to me?" I got him to laugh last night with the silly voices. And promised that we would end it in 11 days and start to add some of the fruits back in that he so misses. I'm actually giving him some blueberries already in a small amount. As this is a lifestyle, I want him to learn to accept the changes, see the benefits and be happy with it and not see it as a short term diet that he can blow off in two weeks. Oh, its so hard being the tough parent.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I agree with Aak! Seasonal fruits and veggies are the way to go, for example, right now in Florida, navel oranges and strawberries are in season. I can buy oranges for $0.99 a pound vs $1.99 a pound for apples, strawberries are 3 pints for $5.00 ($1.66 per pint) versus $3.99 for 1/2 a pint of blueberries or raspberries.
    I keep a chart on my refrigerator with when certain fruits and veggies are in season so I can be sure to go for those first. As for meats, I've started doing what my coworker does, I check out the flyers for Winn Dixie (I normally shop at Publix because they have better prices on most things, and carry a larger selection of gluten free foods) for when they have their meat on sale (they are "The Beef People" after all) because they will do BOGO sales on their meats every once in a while, that way I can stock up in my freezer.
    The rest of the foods I eat (the gluten free stuff) rarely goes on sale, but I still check to see what's there just in case something went on clearance or there is something new that is less (this past week, my Publix started carrying Muellers gluten free pasta at $1.79 a box vs the $3.99 I pay for Tinkayada)
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    Thank goodness I have a lemon tree. :smile:

    I stick mostly to frozen veggies or fruits, they are usually cheaper and last longer. For fresh stuff, I love the 99cent store. They actually have some good quality veggies.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Without even studying for this test, we have 11 out of the 12 listed affordable superfoods right now. That's an A!

    We are missing the cabbage. :(

    LOOOOOOOOL! Is that because ya'll don't like it???
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Thank goodness I have a lemon tree. :smile:

    I stick mostly to frozen veggies or fruits, they are usually cheaper and last longer. For fresh stuff, I love the 99cent store. They actually have some good quality veggies.

    YOU got a 99 cent store?!?!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Something else to keep in mind is to get seasonal fruits and vegetables. You're going to pay a less for a higher quality meyer lemon in September than you will for a regular lemon in February. Kale has been in season throughout the winter and collard greens are supposed to be coming into season soon. Both are ridiculously cheap already, but availability will change.

    Yes! I stopped buying strawberries year around! It was hard at first because I am an addict but I had to give up! $6 bucks for a half carton! So I said only in season so that helped bill be cheaper plus taste better anyway or I do like other MFPer above and buy frozen but usu only when go on sale
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Okay I am sure ya'll have heard about the dilemma with beef in this country...what will you do to adapt??? Milk too! I was amazed when I heard a little bit on the radio! Give up steak or ground beef?

    Also did ya'll here about they want to lift ban on bill so horse can be used for 'beef' at restaurant burgers?
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Something else to keep in mind is to get seasonal fruits and vegetables. You're going to pay a less for a higher quality meyer lemon in September than you will for a regular lemon in February. Kale has been in season throughout the winter and collard greens are supposed to be coming into season soon. Both are ridiculously cheap already, but availability will change.

    Yes! I stopped buying strawberries year around! It was hard at first because I am an addict but I had to give up! $6 bucks for a half carton! So I said only in season so that helped bill be cheaper plus taste better anyway or I do like other MFPer above and buy frozen but usu only when go on sale

    Switch to Clementines in the winter. ;)
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Okay I am sure ya'll have heard about the dilemma with beef in this country...what will you do to adapt??? Milk too! I was amazed when I heard a little bit on the radio! Give up steak or ground beef?

    Also did ya'll here about they want to lift ban on bill so horse can be used for 'beef' at restaurant burgers?

    I really don't understand what the problem with horse meat is as long as its labeled properly. Of course, I've never really been finicky.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    What I don't like is how they trying to be hush hush about it and be deceptive...if you gone use horse meat then let me know! Just like when I was watching 20/20 this afternoon they were like 85% of fish is imported in USA so when they say you are getting Colorado Salmon or Red Snapper....ah no you are not and no such thing as White Tuna! Oh and there is no regulation on the fish we get from other countries either. WHY I PRAY over food bc you never know!
    Gov't don't want you to lie on taxes but they can be 'creative' with how they give us our information!
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    Still cheaper than a gallon of gas...
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    Thank goodness I have a lemon tree. :smile:

    I stick mostly to frozen veggies or fruits, they are usually cheaper and last longer. For fresh stuff, I love the 99cent store. They actually have some good quality veggies.

    YOU got a 99 cent store?!?!

    I don't have one personally, but theres one down the street!

    As for meat... I just want to be able to trust the packaging label.
  • MommyLovesHerFurBabies
    Unfortunately with living overseas on a teenie tiny island I don't have the option of some of these fruits & veggies year round and when we do get some of these, or even ones we do get all the time, fresh produce is SOO expensive! We buy a little bit of fresh produce everytime we go grocery shopping but mostly we buy frozen veggies.
    But we definitely always have eggs, tuna, Peanut Butter (well we use PB2 but whatever) and tea.

    As for the beef question, we might eat beef twice a month if we go out to Taco Bell or Burger King but I only use ground turkey so anything going on with beef won't really affect me. Milk, we can always change to almond milk I suppose. My husband would be saddened if we couldn't get milk but he'd suck it up lol.
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    Thank you for the article! I always enjoy hearing about ways to eat healthy on a budget. I also love going into the produce section at grocery stores and looking for specials. Sometimes I buy things I've never even tried before because they're on sale! It usually turns into me finding a new food I like as well as possibly a new recipe to use it in. :)
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    Thank goodness I have a lemon tree. :smile:

    Aw, you are a lucky lady. I think citrus trees are beautiful. And there is the glorious fruit, of course. :)
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I have another suggestion for fresh fruits and veggies, just thought of it on my way to work, when I passed..... a produce stand and farmer's markets! They tend to be a lot less expensive than the grocery store and often they are fresh from the farm. I was stopped at a stop light and glanced over at their sign (they weren't open at the wee hours of the morning that I go by) where they had prices for tomatoes at $0.99 a pound (the cheapest I can find in the grocery store is$1.99) bananas for $0.69 a pound (grocery is $0.99) so I started thinking about the need to start going there and getting my produce, even if I have to turn left instead of going straight home after work one night!