
iuali81 Posts: 47 Member
Hello all! I have been on MFP for a while now, but I haven't been on steadily for a while. I started at around 162 after my second son was born about 2.5 years ago. When he was 6 months old, DH and I started doing the 30 DS in our family room after the kids went to bed. I got down to around 142. (I'm 5'4"). We kept that up for a bit, but I switched jobs that October and we fell out of exercising and consequently, eating the way we should. I put about 10 lbs back on. In April of last year, I joined a fantastic little gym. I worked out there at least 4 days a week and was doing a lot more with weights. I got down to around 143, but my body looked so much better! I'm sure you know where this is going, but I had to quit the gym due to the cost of daycare going up (the gym was $99/month). Since then, I have put almost all my weight back on. :( It's depressing and I'm very frustrated with myself. At any rate, DH and I started exercising again this week and I'm back to tracking my calories. I'm hoping to be pregnant w/ #3 soon, and want to get healthy again while waiting for that to happen. :) We live on the north side of Indy.
