30 day shred

Dmwinter5 Posts: 11 Member
I have seen a lot of people are doing the 30 day shred. I know it's an exercise DVD but that is pretty much all I know. It seems people are seeing good results but, I'm not 20 anymore and I really haven't exercise other that walking in a very, very long time. Probably why I'm in the situation I'm in. Bad knee, over weight which one comes first . I'm just wondering if this is to intense for a middle aged out of shape lady.


  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    I do the 30 Day Shred and LOVE IT! It kicks my booty and by the time I feel like giving up, I have made it through the workout! I feel so accomplished and proud of myself afterwards. There are 3 levels, and you are supposed to do 10 days on each level. Some people take a rest day. I take a rest day when my body feels as if it needs it. I have the dvds, but I have read some people say that they have found it on youtube for free. Give it a try and see if you like it...and don't hesitate to modify any of the movements. You will get stronger and more coordinated with time and will need to modify less if at all. :flowerforyou: