Extremely Puny Newbie!

Hello all!

I've been lurking around this community for a while, but felt embarrassed to say hello, as I had yet to start SL, and also...I am the weakest weakling of all time, haha. One of my MFP buddies, Soosannah, suggested I go ahead and join in the conversation anyway.

I just started today, and am doing less Stronglifts, and more Barelylifts, as I had to start with a 10lb barbell I had laying around the house. I have, however, made myself a spreadsheet of lifting schedules, and have hopes to be lifting 50+ lbs on every lift in about 6 weeks. Is that a reasonable goal? And does my low starting upper body strength mean I'll have a hard time with this program? Also, since my work weight is so low, what would be a good warm-up? I just did bodyweight squats today, but I wasn't sure how much lower I could go with the row and the bench.

Since my weights are so low, I thought it might be a good idea to keep with the cardio for now, as I also have a fair amount of weight left to lose.

Anyway, y'all seem like a lovely group of ladies (and dudes), and I look forward to interacting with everyone!


  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Hi, and welcome! Don't feel bad...I started my lifts with an empty standard bar...a whopping ten pounds.

    You'll enjoy it!

    Glad you posted. It's so nice to meet you. :flowerforyou:

    ETA: And you said, "Y'all"! Are you in NC, too?
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Hey, we got y'all in Texas too. Don't go stealing it.

    Welcome to the group! I'm sure you'll surprise yourself as you progress. I think you have some good goals set. Just keep in mind that if you don't meet them, you're still making progress. Be sure to ask any questions you need to.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member

    Glad you came into join us! Though I must say it is a huge pleasure to have been lurked by someone as pretty as yourself.

    It is great that you're starting and this program is definitely for you.

    I bet you're a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. Starting low is an absolute must though in this program and low is different for everyone. Form is the key not the weight so much. Just keep increasing the weight with each workout. You dont have to go up 5 lbs every workout like it is prescribed. Would you see initial results faster sure. But you would also burnout a lot faster too. So just keep it slow and steady. 50 lbs sounds like a great goal that would be a huge accomplishment. That;s 500% more than you can lift now.Once it gets hard for you then you might just have to lower the weight that you go up each session but you'll still make progress.

    Since your work weight is so low I would just do the body weight squats and some dynamic stretching. You can youtube some of them if you dont know any but theyre just stretches while youre moving basically helps to loosen you up.

    Also are you just going to be using the bar you have at home for a while or do you have a gym to goto? I ask because I assume at some point you will get to where you might need more.

    ETA: We don't have Ya'll here in Phoenix and I'm damn proud of it. Love YOUS GUYS.
  • velocirobot
    I'm from Georgia, and didn't even realize I had said ''Y'all''! I guess that proves I'm a real southerner :laugh:

    I'm mostly looking forward to (hopefully!) getting stronger, so I'm hoping that will keep me from getting discouraged. I'm in no rush!

    ETA...Doozer: thanks for the suggestions! I'll have to look up the dynamic stretching for sure. There's several gyms in my town, and I have plans to join one of them once I've outgrown my home weight set. I was going to treat the gym membership as my reward for sticking with the program
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Hello all!

    I've been lurking around this community for a while, but felt embarrassed to say hello, as I had yet to start SL, and also...I am the weakest weakling of all time, haha. One of my MFP buddies, Soosannah, suggested I go ahead and join in the conversation anyway.

    I just started today, and am doing less Stronglifts, and more Barelylifts, as I had to start with a 10lb barbell I had laying around the house. I have, however, made myself a spreadsheet of lifting schedules, and have hopes to be lifting 50+ lbs on every lift in about 6 weeks. Is that a reasonable goal? And does my low starting upper body strength mean I'll have a hard time with this program? Also, since my work weight is so low, what would be a good warm-up? I just did bodyweight squats today, but I wasn't sure how much lower I could go with the row and the bench.

    Since my weights are so low, I thought it might be a good idea to keep with the cardio for now, as I also have a fair amount of weight left to lose.

    Anyway, y'all seem like a lovely group of ladies (and dudes), and I look forward to interacting with everyone!

    Yay you showed up!!!!!!

    I'm a puny weakling on my upper body. I am taking it slow right now and working on form before adding more weight. My 5x5 app put me in timeout on Monday on my failed OHP. (Wait 5 mins between sets).

    I warm up with body weight squats, then empty bar before adding weight, I sit on the bike and pedal between sets and the stretch stretch stretch, usually yoga afterwards. One of the main reasons I started this was that cardio was getting me no where as far as losing. Friday will finish up my week 2 and I managed to finally break my year long plateau. There are several of us here who still have weight to lose too. I've still got 40+ more to go. So don't let that stop you from starting.

    And everything Doozer said too
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Posting on my phone between sets so pardon any ridiculous it spits out. I think if anything it's more important for someone with so little strength. These lifts are so helpful for functional strength. This is so important for independence especially as we age. You don't want to be put in a home because you can no longer bring in your groceries or adequately clean your home!

    Also welcome!

    We don't officially have y'all in mi or pa, but I used to say it waiting tables because apparently everything else offends people. At least according to people with no real thing to be offended about. Ma'am offends a lot of women even though it's the correct usage for anyone over 18, my coworker got told off for using guys colloquially, girls annoys me as it's a little infantalizing, i've seen ladies complained about online. Y'all is safe! Lol.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member

    Eat your protein, train regularly and you will see progress in almost no time. It's a great program!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    LOL @ y'all in Texas...

    I just sort of assumed that since she said y'all, and is friends with Soosannah, who is also in NC (just on the other side, I think), that she is, too.

    I actually picked up "y'all" when I lived in Lubbock from 84 to 90, and kept it up in eastern NM for the six years I lived there until I moved out here in 96. When I go back to California to see my family, they laugh at my dialect because it's so b@stardized, LOL.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Actually don't be surprised if you can't go up 5 lbs with things like the bench press and overhead press. Realistically, you should be making fairly fast gains on the deadlift and the squat and slower gains on the presses.

    If you go up only fractionally on the presses, that's more than fine, so don't go pushing yourself too much and don't be lifting an unsafe amount of weights in the name of some "program".

    Speaking of, I'm going to have to get some baseball weights or something similar for me to use for fractionals ...

    P.S. I'm in Florida and I use y'all all the time. :smile:

    The good part about you being such a puny noob is that you'll make fairly quick progress, so you will see improvement every workout, courtesy of the novice effect (which I'm still enjoying too).
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I'm going to have to go find some fractionals less than 2.5. Dani's right...a jump from 45 to 50 on my bench was a LOT!
  • fishlover888
    Hello all!

    I've been lurking around this community for a while, but felt embarrassed to say hello, as I had yet to start SL, and also...I am the weakest weakling of all time, haha. One of my MFP buddies, Soosannah, suggested I go ahead and join in the conversation anyway.

    I just started today, and am doing less Stronglifts, and more Barelylifts, as I had to start with a 10lb barbell I had laying around the house. I have, however, made myself a spreadsheet of lifting schedules, and have hopes to be lifting 50+ lbs on every lift in about 6 weeks. Is that a reasonable goal? And does my low starting upper body strength mean I'll have a hard time with this program? Also, since my work weight is so low, what would be a good warm-up? I just did bodyweight squats today, but I wasn't sure how much lower I could go with the row and the bench.

    Since my weights are so low, I thought it might be a good idea to keep with the cardio for now, as I also have a fair amount of weight left to lose.

    Anyway, y'all seem like a lovely group of ladies (and dudes), and I look forward to interacting with everyone!

    Welcome!! I just started Stronglifts officially recently but when I started lifting in general a few years ago I couldn't do aannyyyythingg so don't worry. You will get there. Like everyone else said, slow and steady and keep with it!
    re:goals - I think this is a great goal!
    re: warm up - body weight is a great idea, light cardio to warm you body temp, stretching

    @Tree - I live in MI and I say y'all... haha! And I hate being called M'am...but I'm getting used to it?
  • hofosho1020
    hofosho1020 Posts: 179
    Hi there ! I'm new too, been lifting now a few months but going to start SL next week! Looking forward to sharing progress with you!