What type of scale do you have?

LindsayLo79 Posts: 17 Member
I need to buy a scale for home. Any suggestions on good ones. I've seen just standard ones and ones with all the bells and whistles...what do you have?


  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    I have a Tanita. I got it at Bed, Bath, & Beyond several years ago. It is the type that you enter you age and it will read your body fat. The body fat percentage is a bit off but it is extremely accurate with the weight part. It matches my Doctor's scale to the ounce. It also doesn't seem to matter if it gets moved out of place either. I have heard people complain that if their scale gets moved the weight will be 2-3 lbs different.
  • GinE73
    GinE73 Posts: 68
    I have a WW scale that I bought at Costco. It has a glass top and LED light but reads only weight- nothing fancy. After reading ^^^^@loverlyrose11, I feel bad for my poor scale! LOL
  • LindsayLo79
    LindsayLo79 Posts: 17 Member
    Ive seen those good to know they are so accurate! I think I'll look at both...I can only imagine how expensive that one maybe though! I typically buy everything at Costco...I was just there today actually - dang should have looked at scales!
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    Our scale tends to read higher if I have it on the carpet. Keep it on a flat surface.