Adding Weights

wannalosew82 Posts: 108 Member
So I have been doing SL for about 7 weeks now. I am progressing although very slowly as far as weights go. Do you all increase weights every week? I have stalled a couple of weeks on the same weight and increased it the third week. Should I be pushing myself more? Anyways, currently this is the best I can do.

Squats: 90 lbs
DL 90 lbs
Rows: 45 lbs
BP: 40 lbs
OHP: 45 lbs.


  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Have you read the sticky about the program or the StrongLifts website? There is a lot of information there regarding stalls.

    Basically if you continue to stall for 2 workouts (I believe it's 2) then you should deload and work your way back up to the weight you stalled at. I don't know how you can increase weight when you were stalled at a lower weight? Also, at what point are you stalling? If it's in sets 4 or 5 and consistent on that lift, you might want to look at dropping to 3x5 instead of 5x5.

    It is a progressive load routine so you should be increasing with consistency. For me, I increase as planned although not always by 5lbs and not if my form is not bang on.

    Hope this helps!
  • wannalosew82
    wannalosew82 Posts: 108 Member
    I am sorry if I used the word Stalling in a wrong sense. What I am trying to say is I can complete the 5X5's at that weight. But when it comes time to increasing it, I tend to do the same weight for another week or even two before I feel strong enough to progress. For example, my BP has been stuck at 40 lbs for 3 weeks now. I am afraid I will drop it on my neck if I increase it. Although, it felt easier yesterday and I plan on increasing it for my next workout. Same with the squats. After 2 weeks, I felt confident to bump it by adding 21/2 lbs on each side (for a total of 5 lbs) but still a little shaky on the last set.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    You might want to look into getting fractional weights. I have official ones that are 1.25, so I can increase by 2.5. There are also large metal washers you can buy at a home depot type store that come in varying sizes and weights (just make sure the hole is large enough to fit over the bar.