Sugars - the hidden killer

I hope you're progressing well with things via myfitnesspal. Today I want to talk about sugars. Sugars are really just something sweet, tasty and enjoyable, that enhance the flavour of bland foods, right? Erm, no. Actually they're a silent killer - I kid you not.

Sugars, in my humble opinion, are the real cause of Diabetes. There are 'expert scientists' who will argue against this, (paid of course, by sugar and food companies), just as was done when the whole 'how bad are cigarettes for you' debate years ago. The food industry has learned from the cigarette industry, and produces these 'experts' who claim that there is nothing wrong with sugar, and that it doesn't cause Diabetes, to dilute the message about how bad sugars actually are for you. So why is it that they're so bad? Well your blood sugar level can be in 3 states. 1 - low. If you get up in the morning having not eaten for 8 or more hours, then your blood sugar level will be rock bottom. When in this state, your metabolism will slow down and your body will hold onto its precious calorie stores (in your body fat). In other words, you will not efficiently burn fat as a source of fuel.

2 - high. When your blood sugar is high, then your body will store body fat. This does not necessarily mean having to have an excess of calories in the ingested food or drink. Foods high in sugar will immediately cause your blood sugar level to soar, followed shortly after by plummeting down to the low state again, making you crave more sugars. So you go through a cycle of high (storing fat) to low (holding onto fat) to hungry and another high (storing more fat) to low again and so on and so forth.

3 - medium. This is the state that you want to be in as much of the time as possible. This comes from consumption of low Glycaemic Index (GI) foods (type GI table into Google to find some GI tables), low in sugars. Foods high in protein (white meat, red meat, eggs, fish) have zero to minimal sugar, which is why the Atkins Diet is successful for weight reduction.

Also when your blood sugar level is high, your body will combat this with an increase of insulin. Because there is so much sugar in what we are consuming nowadays, the body becomes overwhelmed with having to constantly fight the sugar high with insulin release, and actually gives up. No more insulin is released and Type 2 Diabetes is the result.

It's also well known that sugar completely rots your teeth. In the 1930s, extensive research was carried out on a remote tribe. They had perfect teeth, no obesity, defined facial features, and much less incidence of disease and birth defects. This tribe consumed vegetables, meats and only a very little amount of honey. They did not have tooth brushes, and had no cavities. This was purely down to the lack of sugar consumption. When given an 1930s Western diet, they degenerated, gaining weight, having tooth decay, getting ill etc. And that was a 1930s Western diet - infinite times less damaging than a modern-day Western diet.

Sugar has also been strongly linked with cancers, and is the real cause of heart disease - the number one killer in Scotland. Saturated fat was made a convenient scapegoat, but is not the real cause. Try giving children sweets loaded with sugar, and just watch their behaviour. They become as high as a kite, hyperactive, have poor concentration and become more violent. Give them something low GI and this simply does not happen. Also, people who minimise their sugar intake, often report not getting ill nearly as often as they used to in the past. Colds and the flu become very rarely contracted.

Sugar and fat are not ever found together in nature. They make an irresistable combination when combined. This is a often used combination to make foods more addictive. This is not by accident. There are food scientists working every day to make foods more addictive. They couldn't care less whether or not you become ill, or die prematurely as a result of your sugar intake. So you have a choice. Either let these unethical individuals hamper the quality of your life and health, or be strong enough to make other choices when it comes to eating and drinking. Make the right choice - you're worth it.

Derek Thomson


  • MeltyChay
    MeltyChay Posts: 11
    Love this wee article you've written here, ever since I was little my dad warned us against sugar so maybe he was actually onto something!