When did you first stall on each lift?

Just curious... was depressing to google this and have guys talk about stalling at weights I'd be considered super advanced if I could ever lift that much.

I first stalled on OHP at 45 lbs
Then bench at 62 then again at 64 lbs

Still haven't stalled on deadlifts or squats (and I'm up to 101 lbs on squat, 108 lbs on deadlift).


  • What amount are you trying to add to your 45?

    After 42lbs, I could no longer do 5lb jumps which are the smallest my gym has. I was able to buy some giant washers that fit on the olympic bar that weigh 10oz each. So a pair is 1.25 lbs. I've been doing 1.25lb increments the past 2 weeks and that has kept both my presses going. I may look silly, but at least I'm making progress.
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    I stalled on OHP at 60, squat at 115, and rows at 70. No stall yet on bench (77) or deads (160). I did deload bench though because I realized the form I started with was totally wrong after reading starting strength.
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    The smallest increment my gym has is 1 kg, which is what I use for OHP and for bench press. My increment for deadlifts is 3 kg, and for squats is 2 kg.
  • Another question, how many sets are you able to do? I'm actually doing the starting strength program which has one doing 3 sets of 5. If you are failing in your last 2 sets of 5x5 maybe scale back to fewer sets? Also my gains slowed when i stopped eating everything in sight. I'm a newb so take this with a grain of salt.

    I've only been lifting for 7 wks. I have a post- surgical hip & a labral tear in a shoulder.
    I'm currently at
    Squat 105lbs for 3 sets of 5
    bench 66.25
    Press 44.5
    deadlift 178 for 1 set of 5

    5'4" 155lbs 34 y.o.

    No stalls per say, but have had to reset to get form right on squat.
  • with the OHP I've been stuck at around 115 pounds for a while now. But the key is your diet. The more you eat, the longer you can progress.

  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Okay, I’m going to ask the question. What, exactly, is the definition of “stall”?

    Is that when you have tried the same weight three times and then have to deload?
  • Okay, I’m going to ask the question. What, exactly, is the definition of “stall”?

    Is that when you have tried the same weight three times and then have to deload?

    Yes. It means not being able to add more weight. Sometimes deloading won't help. This is an inevitability with strength training and a new program would be needed.

  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    I agree thats the definition of "stalling". I should have said "when did you first fail to do 5x5 on a lift?" which is what I was really asking.
    It was just curiosity so I could know when to expect it on my other lifts.
    That said I'm curious to know when the REAL stall comes, too!
  • I agree thats the definition of "stalling". I should have said "when did you first fail to do 5x5 on a lift?" which is what I was really asking.
    It was just curiosity so I could know when to expect it on my other lifts.
    That said I'm curious to know when the REAL stall comes, too!

    First it's the OHP then the deadlift or the bench. Can't really recall when I first failed. It's happened so many times, but unbelievably my body has been able to push through it and I've adapted so I'm lifting a lot more weight than I thought I ever could. The program works!
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Yesterday, OHP, 40lbs. 5,4,4,4,3 (possibly earlier on bench if you took a good hard look at my form!) - about session 20, spread over 3 months. This was the first time that the weight simply was.not.going.to.move.