I am 4 pounds down as of my weigh in today

when I came here I weighed 186 pounds. I am now at 182 pounds. 4 pounds lost


  • southernmom3
    southernmom3 Posts: 181 Member
    that is the weight I started with last week when I joined. I am only down two pounds this week but I am happy the scale is moving in the right direction. I am almost 43 (tomorrow) and only 5'3"

    I have to ask, when I entered my goals on the site it gave me a daily calorie intake at 1200 calories but I keep reading all the post arguing that 1200 calories is too few to eat. What should I do? eat more calories??
  • seeled
    seeled Posts: 93
    Way to go! Wish my scales would drop that much but I will be happy with every half lb that I lose as long as the scales go down!
  • seeled
    seeled Posts: 93

    I have to ask, when I entered my goals on the site it gave me a daily calorie intake at 1200 calories but I keep reading all the post arguing that 1200 calories is too few to eat. What should I do? eat more calories??

    My OPINION... about how many calories were you eating before you started this journey? You do not want to cut out too much to start and feel deprived. I have done 1200-1300 calories for a couple of years now and actually gaining weight despite working out. No, it wasn't muscle weight because my pants no longer fit! I went to a dietician and 2 different doctors. I was told my diet was near perfect and keep doing it. About 3 weeks ago I started low carb. Since then, I have lost 4lbs. I am actually having a hard time eating enough calories now. I think that might be because the high protein and high fat makes me feel full.

    After all that,... my OPINION is, find what you can live with that will help you meet your goal. I have heard of people eating 1600-2000 and still lose. Depending on how bad your eating habits are now, you might drop quickly just changing one thing such as no soda or no fast food. Then again, if you have a realitively healthy diet already, you might have to try one of the "fad" diets that you can make into a lifestyle such as clean eating or low carb. I am enjoying thelow carb because I eat bacon and eggs every morning. Something i haven't had in a longgggg time. Hope you find what works... and keep us informed because it might give others ideas!
  • southernmom3
    southernmom3 Posts: 181 Member
    I have okay eating habits, have been no diet coke or coke zero for over three months now. I drink mostly water and coffee (usually one cup a day). I haven't tried low carb yet but might if I hit a plateau or get stuck. So far I feel better and think the calories are enough. I do not starve promise. I even had a piece of diet coke cake last night to finish off my calories.
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    I wouldup your calories try here scoobysworkshop.com

    it will tell you calories you need to eat. you put your age, current weight, activity level and whether you want to lose 15,20 or 25% body fat. it will tell you the correct calories
  • fatyoga
    fatyoga Posts: 207 Member
    congrats on your loss. Great job!
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    Awesome job!! ((Hugs))