Post comments to our New Members here

Welcome to a new member Robert Hendrix

Bob is a member of the Amber Team on the # 4 Challenge Board, he has confidence and is such a
Go-Getter that he posted his weight a day early, Good Job Bob!
……..RobertHendrix Wrote:

Why I Want To Get In Shape
Be more active with my daughter
Show my daughter through actions not words the importance of being healthy and not leading her down the same path me and my wife had taken
To be able to go to an amusement park again
To be able to take the first seat available when going out to eat and not have to wait on a table because I don’t fit in a booth.

Please Read Bob’s Profile page, I think it is very compelling. Let’s Help Bob reach is goals, Please everyone Give Bob a Big Welcome to our group!

Another new member is Blue Eyed Angel, Welcome Blue eyes :smile:

Blue eyes did you join a team yet? If so, which one? If you haven’t picked out a team yet please do and jump into the action and Fun of being in a Challenge.
……..BlueEyedAngel0468 Wrote:

About Me
I have been trying to lose weight since my youngest was born 3 1/2 years ago. I did get down to 130 almost 2 years ago. But I’m really bad about eating sweets, and sodas, and I did not go by the portion control. Time to change. Tried of being too tired to play with my boys and enjoy life.

My Inspirations
• Live longer for my boys
• Wearing a 2 piece
• Wearing a sexy nitetime outfit for my hubby

Hey Everybody let’s Help her out! We have to Help Blue eyes reach her goals!


  • tarriharris5
    tarriharris5 Posts: 74 Member
    Just want to welcome you to our group. You will find great inspiration, motivation,tips, challenges, and some great people here. Good luck on your journey to a new and fit you. There is no judgment here just inspiration!