Day 23 - fav healthy food

FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
Gasp!! Sorry that I miscounted! Guess that means time is flying. :)

My fav healthy food...hmmm...I love roasted veggies, cottage cheese, plain Greek yogurt, salmon, and pretty much all of it! I don't binge bc I don't like healthy food. I just like junk, too. Haha!!


  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I love veggies, always have though. My new fav healthy food I've tried recently is quinoa. I really like almonds too.
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    Healthy food is becoming an acquired taste. My faves are my morning green and fruit smoothies, salads, yogurt, cottage cheese and snacking on baby carrots.
  • Thelxinoe
    Thelxinoe Posts: 32
    Fresh veggies or fruit with homemade peanut butter or hummus... Any great salads, and homemade breads with whole grains.
  • Fish of all sorts, fresh watermelon and mango, oatmeal.
  • candiceprov31
    candiceprov31 Posts: 21 Member
    probably fruit.