


  • eahouston
    eahouston Posts: 1,015 Member
    I read through It Starts With Food over the last couple evenings. Although it was a little science-y (just because I've been hearing similar ideas a lot lately,) I really enjoyed it. I like that the authors are empowering us to make our own decisions about food and that they provided really easy meal ideas. I've been trying a lot of new recipes lately, but I waste too much time searching the Internet for new ideas! I'm looking forward to the basic approach of cooking a meat with some seasonings and filling my plate with veggies :-D (Okay, not really looking forward to filling my plate with veggies- that's going to be the big adjustment for me hehehe.) I also like the way they've described how to re-introduce some of the foods post-Whole30. While I hope to really make this a lifestyle change, there will certainly be occasions where following the rules is too great of a challenge, for various reasons. I'm going to organize at least my first week of meals over the next couple days so I can go grocery shopping this weekend :)

    Megan- I'm also doing a little free-for-all the next couple days. I can't let good cheese go to waste hehehe.

    If I haven't mentioned it before, I'm really glad to be doing this with a group of people. It will be so nice to share meal ideas, struggles, etc. and then success stories after a month ;)
  • ksellen1
    ksellen1 Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks for starting the group! Glad I checked before I created one.

    I'm actually starting mine on April 1, as it looks like many others are too. This will be my 3rd attempt am determined to complete it this time! I started one in Feb and would have made it through if I hadn't had a girls weekend pre-scheduled for the 3rd weekend. After that it was all down hill.

    Feel free to add me! I'm excited! :)
  • laurakcity
    laurakcity Posts: 1 Member
    HI all! I'm actually on day 5 of my first Whole30.

    I'm doing it to lose weight, but the big thing for me is giving up alcohol for 30 days. I'm a pretty moderately heavy drinker, and I was just plain doing it too much.

    The last 5 days have been quite a rollercoaster. I feel GREAT one minute, horrible the next, I'm pretty manic with my moods.

    But overall, I'm super happy with it. Planning makes me happy and confident...I feel better in the mornings than I have in years. And I've already lost 4 lbs!

    I start back my bikram yoga routine tonight, my first day back since starting, so that should be interesting.

    My one tip: I HIGHLY recommend shelling out the $14 for the Daily30 on the Whole30 website. I read them multiple times a day, they are fantastic resources and they have this silly little thing you click at the end of the day if you finished your day to say "I DID IT!" and it will generate the next days' email to be sent. If you click the thing to say you didn't do it, it starts the emails back at Day 0.
    Its been a really silly small thing but a HUGE motivator for me. Good luck y'all!
  • crizania
    crizania Posts: 22 Member
    Hi All :)

    I just discovered the Whole30 program tonight ! I was about to go another round of HCG but I think I prefer this. It's all the same essentially detoxing !! I've done Dr Joshi's detox before and that was fantastic. But I like the Whole 30 program and philosophy so I'm going to give this a go. I want some permanent lifestyle changes I want to give up that addiction to processed unhealthy foods. I'm so miserable at the moment tired, unmotivated, sore, bad skin and at my heaviest I've been in ages. A good body cleanse is in order for shore :). I'm starting a new job next week and I want to go into it feeling energized and great. So glad I checked for a group.

    I'm starting tomorrow or should I say right now ;) but tomorrow 3rd April counts as day 1 of my 30 !!

    Good luck to everyone on it already and those starting. I need some motivational friends so please feel free to add me if you want another one too :)

    I'm thinking I'll log my food on MFP but I'll weigh in at the beginning and then not again for 30 days.

    I'm really excited !!
  • Marmelg
    Marmelg Posts: 8
    Hi, I am currently on day 2 of my second round. My first roumd was a success because I lost 7 lbs in 10 days but after day 12 I cheated and gave up (BIG mistake). That was last month. I am so ready to tackle this challenge in April and I want to go the 30 days...
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Hi, I am currently on day 2 of my second round. My first roumd was a success because I lost 7 lbs in 10 days but after day 12 I cheated and gave up (BIG mistake). That was last month. I am so ready to tackle this challenge in April and I want to go the 30 days...

    Just think, if you had success in 12 days, what you could have in 30!!!! In my experience, the "magic" seems to happen in the last 2 weeks, so you have a LOT to look forward to!
  • cksummer2013
    cksummer2013 Posts: 39 Member
    Yaay, Yaay, Yaay! You must have been reading my mind. Oh, hi, my name is Cindy. I just recently discovered Whole30 from my best friend who just finished her 30 days with no cheating. She dropped 10.2 lbs and she didn't have any lbs to lose (well evidently she did) but she was doing it to just eat and be healthier. If she dropped 10.2, I'm thinking surely I will drop more than that and that may just give me the jump start I have been wanting and needing so badly. I started MFP "for real" January this year after realizing that I was gonna turn 40 that month and was the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I've always been fairly athletic and can "hide" my weight well but when I see me, I sure don't like what I see. So, I began looking at the foods and drinks I was putting in. I have now given up all soda (regular since Jan 3rd and diet since Feb) and have been eating more clean but still not a big weight loss. So, I want to venture more into this eating clean, etc. Yesterday I decided to give the whole30 website a look and then made a decision this morning after reading so much that I would like to start it on April 15. So, you were reading my mind :).

    My reasons for doing it.....I want to get a jumpstart on my weight loss "the healthy way" and I want to see what it is like to actually eat what we were intended to eat...

    My fears/uncomfortableness: My downfall is Carnation French Vanilla Coffee creamer and I am so NOT looking forward to giving that up...I mean, what will I put in my coffee, any suggestions???? and I love love love soft chocolate chip cookies.....there I said it out loud haha. I have pretty much given up the cookies, except every now and then but I do like em alot. I'm excited about the group and accountability and support. Thanks
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Yaay, Yaay, Yaay! You must have been reading my mind. Oh, hi, my name is Cindy. I just recently discovered Whole30 from my best friend who just finished her 30 days with no cheating. She dropped 10.2 lbs and she didn't have any lbs to lose (well evidently she did) but she was doing it to just eat and be healthier. If she dropped 10.2, I'm thinking surely I will drop more than that and that may just give me the jump start I have been wanting and needing so badly. I started MFP "for real" January this year after realizing that I was gonna turn 40 that month and was the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I've always been fairly athletic and can "hide" my weight well but when I see me, I sure don't like what I see. So, I began looking at the foods and drinks I was putting in. I have now given up all soda (regular since Jan 3rd and diet since Feb) and have been eating more clean but still not a big weight loss. So, I want to venture more into this eating clean, etc. Yesterday I decided to give the whole30 website a look and then made a decision this morning after reading so much that I would like to start it on April 15. So, you were reading my mind :).

    My reasons for doing it.....I want to get a jumpstart on my weight loss "the healthy way" and I want to see what it is like to actually eat what we were intended to eat...

    My fears/uncomfortableness: My downfall is Carnation French Vanilla Coffee creamer and I am so NOT looking forward to giving that up...I mean, what will I put in my coffee, any suggestions???? and I love love love soft chocolate chip cookies.....there I said it out loud haha. I have pretty much given up the cookies, except every now and then but I do like em alot. I'm excited about the group and accountability and support. Thanks

    I use full fat canned coconut milk in my coffee and I LOVE it! The Whole9 forum says you can't have vanilla because it has alcohol in it, but on my first Whole30 I made a wonderful coffee drink by whipping the cream of the coconut milk (put can in fridge for a while, then open it and pour the "water" off) with a little vanilla, cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice. I put this on top of my cup of coffee for a little treat! It's like a cappuccino!
  • LisaGNV
    LisaGNV Posts: 159 Member
    ...Yesterday I decided to give the whole30 website a look and then made a decision this morning after reading so much that I would like to start it on April 15. So, you were reading my mind :).

    My reasons for doing it.....I want to get a jumpstart on my weight loss "the healthy way" and I want to see what it is like to actually eat what we were intended to eat...

    My fears/uncomfortableness: My downfall is Carnation French Vanilla Coffee creamer and I am so NOT looking forward to giving that up...I mean, what will I put in my coffee, any suggestions???? and I love love love soft chocolate chip cookies.....there I said it out loud haha. I have pretty much given up the cookies, except every now and then but I do like em alot. I'm excited about the group and accountability and support. Thanks

    WELCOME!!! I would encourage you to read their book It Starts With Food if you have the opportunity. It has changed my way of thinking about so many different foods/ideals - crazy insane life change going on over here.

    I have always been a black coffee drinker and ever though I'd enjoy a vanilla latte from time to time, it was always a "treat" and not a daily habit. Aside from what the Whole30 folks say about drinking it black, I'll say this: if you can learn to drink it black, you can enjoy a cup of coffee wherever you go when you don't have to rely on what sweeteners/creamers are available. I promise!!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    I'm headed out today on my lunch break to buy the book. I've been searching for it online for a "good" price but I'm over that now and just want to start reading it!

    Starting on the 15th is going to work out better for me than I boyfriend is going in for major surgery on April 12th to have bones in his foot fused together. He will pretty much be down for a few months which leaves absolutely all of the cooking and food decisions up to me. My kids will also be gone that weekend since we're not exactly sure how my boyfriend will react to everything so it will also give me some time to finish reading up on this, prep my food for the week, and rest up! I'm excited to experience this!! And super glad to have a support system also!
  • popsicles810
    popsicles810 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Getting ready to do whole30 with my good friend and my SIL and we chose 4/15/13 as start date do this group is perfect! Looking forward to this new journey!
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    My wife and I are both doing our first starting tomorrow!! Been primal for about 3 years now, but have always left some cheats in here and there.

    Dropping dairy will also be tough for us! (Booze too! haha)
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    My wife and I are both doing our first starting tomorrow!! Been primal for about 3 years now, but have always left some cheats in here and there.

    Dropping dairy will also be tough for us! (Booze too! haha)

    I think the booze is the hardest part (and I don't drink that much to begin with!)
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    :sad: Epic Fail!! Ok...maybe not epic but after going back and forth, I decided to postpone the start of my Whole30 for another week. I still don't feel educated enough and therefore feel very under-educated about the entire thing. I wasn't able to spend the time at the hospital while my boyfriend was in surgery reading up like I had anticipated because all I could think about was him in surgery. I was literally petrified to start and I think I even broke out because of the added stress so rather than setting myself up for failure, I'm going to spend the next week finishing up the book and prepping as much as possible. It also makes it hard that the boyfriend doesn't support me at all in this decision because he picked up my book, read a chapter, and called it a crock of *kitten*. So I really have to prep on my own time which makes it even harder. But I will still be hear cheering you all on :drinker: and taking notes on the things that have worked for each and every one of you!

    I wish everyone the best and can't wait to join you next week!! :bigsmile:
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    :sad: Epic Fail!! Ok...maybe not epic but after going back and forth, I decided to postpone the start of my Whole30 for another week. I still don't feel educated enough and therefore feel very under-educated about the entire thing. I wasn't able to spend the time at the hospital while my boyfriend was in surgery reading up like I had anticipated because all I could think about was him in surgery. I was literally petrified to start and I think I even broke out because of the added stress so rather than setting myself up for failure, I'm going to spend the next week finishing up the book and prepping as much as possible. It also makes it hard that the boyfriend doesn't support me at all in this decision because he picked up my book, read a chapter, and called it a crock of *kitten*. So I really have to prep on my own time which makes it even harder. But I will still be hear cheering you all on :drinker: and taking notes on the things that have worked for each and every one of you!

    I wish everyone the best and can't wait to join you next week!! :bigsmile:

    It stinks that you BF isn't supporting you, but just go on anyway. He might have a change of heart later. Also, try not to be defensive about it. If he makes snide comments, let them slide. Eventually, he'll see that you are feeling better, looking better, sleeping better...etc. And, delaying your start is in no way a failure! We'll be here for you whenever you decide to start!
  • cksummer2013
    cksummer2013 Posts: 39 Member
    :sad: Epic Fail!! Ok...maybe not epic but after going back and forth, I decided to postpone the start of my Whole30 for another week. I still don't feel educated enough and therefore feel very under-educated about the entire thing. I wasn't able to spend the time at the hospital while my boyfriend was in surgery reading up like I had anticipated because all I could think about was him in surgery. I was literally petrified to start and I think I even broke out because of the added stress so rather than setting myself up for failure, I'm going to spend the next week finishing up the book and prepping as much as possible. It also makes it hard that the boyfriend doesn't support me at all in this decision because he picked up my book, read a chapter, and called it a crock of *kitten*. So I really have to prep on my own time which makes it even harder. But I will still be hear cheering you all on :drinker: and taking notes on the things that have worked for each and every one of you!

    I wish everyone the best and can't wait to join you next week!! :bigsmile:

    Not a fail! I didn't start until the 15th because I wasn't fully prepared. It's all good. Preparation and education is going to be how you are successful. As far as the BF issue. I would do it just because of that! :)
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Thank you ladies for the support and encouragement! I still have every intention of starting on Monday. It will obviously be a little harder than anticipated without the support of my boyfriend. But I need to do this for ME and only me! I told him that I couldn't believe that he wouldn't support my attempt to make myself a healthier person. He shrugged it off!
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Thank you ladies for the support and encouragement! I still have every intention of starting on Monday. It will obviously be a little harder than anticipated without the support of my boyfriend. But I need to do this for ME and only me! I told him that I couldn't believe that he wouldn't support my attempt to make myself a healthier person. He shrugged it off!

    He might be a little intimidated. Maybe he knows he needs to make changes too, but isn't ready yet...
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Hi all, just found this group and think I might be a quiet observer. Think I may do this as of May 1st (allowing myself to get prepped in the mean time).
    Looking forward to hearing how you all do and the results you get.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Hi all, just found this group and think I might be a quiet observer. Think I may do this as of May 1st (allowing myself to get prepped in the mean time).
    Looking forward to hearing how you all do and the results you get.
