Tweaked muscle, advice needed...

kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
So last Wednesday, I tweaked my left wrist muscle. My grip slipped on my barbell during squats (145lbs), felt fine for the workout but afterwards I felt it.

So, it's feeling better, but occasionally twinges doing odd things... like putting on my heart rate monitor, yet is fine for pushups...

Question, do I:

a) Leave it for another few days/week or so
b) Workout and see how it goes
c) Workout but deload...



  • vashnic
    vashnic Posts: 93
    I'd do one rep for each movement with just the bar to get a feel for how your wrist is in that position. Feels fine, continue as normal. Twinge, I'd skip that session and consider it a rest day. Wrists are complex and kinda delicate joints, best to be on the safe side. :smile:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Maybe wrap it with an Ace bandage for some extra stability so you don't make it worse, and go easy until you know it's healed. The weights will still be there when you're 100%, and unless you're on some plan to get all kinds of athleticized in a certain time frame that somebody is paying you for, what difference does it make really? I train for functional strength to give myself a better quality of life and greater health (and hopefully drop a dress size or two along the way), so if I have to miss a workout due to pain, I have to miss a workout, or find alternative moves for a session or two. Big whoop.

    I'm having a similar issue with my lower back atm due to overdoing it on deadlifts the other night, so I'm going to lift but not push myself very hard until my lower back muscles stop yelling at me cause I kinda need those. :smile:
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Maybe wrap it with an Ace bandage for some extra stability so you don't make it worse, and go easy until you know it's healed. The weights will still be there when you're 100%, and unless you're on some plan to get all kinds of athleticized in a certain time frame that somebody is paying you for, what difference does it make really? I train for functional strength to give myself a better quality of life and greater health (and hopefully drop a dress size or two along the way), so if I have to miss a workout due to pain, I have to miss a workout, or find alternative moves for a session or two. Big whoop.

    I'm having a similar issue with my lower back atm due to overdoing it on deadlifts the other night, so I'm going to lift but not push myself very hard until my lower back muscles stop yelling at me cause I kinda need those. :smile:

    You are a wise woman DaniH. Our own strong lifts philosopher. :smile: I should probably print this and stick it to my mirror.

    As to the original question- I would do what vashnic says. Try it out and go from there. If it hurts- stop. Good luck and I hope you feel better.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I would also say test it out and see how it goes - given that it doesn't NORMALLY hurt it may not bother you at all. I also agree with Dani that wrapping it might help.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'll do as you suggested and take it slow and see how it goes... and see if I have a bandage or whatnot to give added support!