Astrology in dating



  • baraccus
    baraccus Posts: 85 Member
    1. Keep things romantic and sensual--don't ever lose the "magic" of your connection.
    2. Support and validate them when they feel insecure.
    3. Appreciate their go-with-the-flow attitude and don't question their intuitive decisions.

    Haha, I can't deny that these would keep me happy, especially #1 ;)

    Reasons to date a Pisces...why am I single? haha!

    Okay ignore the reasons to dump...ROFL!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    ooooh i like this! I always check someone's sign after I meet them :blushing:

    Thanks for the links. Everyone should come with a manual like this hahahaha.

    1. Cancers are naturally giving people, so they will always make sure you are taken care of.
    2. They understand deep emotions and they are not afraid to show their feelings.
    3. One of their favorite pastimes is snuggling at home with the person they love.
    4. Cancers want sex to be passionate, fulfilling, and meaningful.
    5. They invest a lot of time and energy into making their homes comfortable and welcoming, so you will always want to stay over.


    1. Their moodiness is exhausting. <<<GUILTY
    2. Cancers will often say deeply hurtful things and never take responsibility for it. <<<NOT TRUE, I APOLOGIZE
    3. Eesh, talk about clingy and co-dependent! <<<<<WELL UMMM .... :ohwell:
    4. Speaking of which, watch out because they might just go ahead and propose to you on the second date. <<<<FALSE
    5. Life with a Cancer can be pretty mundane--you'll have a hard time getting them to go on adventures or even try out a new restaurant. <<<DEFINITELY FALSE. i LIKE STABILITY BUT NOT BOREDOM

    1. Spend as much quality time with them as possible; they should be your top priority!
    2. Master the art of snuggling.
    3. Do your best to understand and accept the ebb and flow of their moods
  • Showgirlbody
    Showgirlbody Posts: 402 Member
    I have been interested in Astrology for a long time. I do not put much weight into horoscopes because they are not usually specific and you don't know who is writing them. But, I do put weight into the personality profiles. Especially if you know your rising sign, moon sign, etc. Some people may deviate on points due to those factors or how they were raised or what they've been through, but I still usually can see that the commonalities far outweigh the deviations. I am an Aquarius and it is pretty accurate to me. I am a person that is usually able to guess people's signs if I know them well or I know the sign well. I will be honest that in online dating, if someone was a Taurus or Scorpio it was pretty much a no go. I just don't gel with them at all. If I met someone normally then maybe it would go differently, but when I have tried the issues that arise are usually spot on. I am with a Pisces which is not my ideal match because they are generally more emotional and affectionate than an Aquarius. In many ways we can balance, but there are a lot of times where his feelings are hurt by my perceived "aloofness". I think and rationalize more than I feel or express emotions. He just thinks that's me and not an Aquarius thing, but that's okay. Not everyone has to believe. It's just easier sometimes to explain my quirks in relation to my sign because we are odd birds. lol I always thought I should have a Gemini or Libra though as I do tend to like them as people and they are really strong matches for Aquarius. I don't know if I'd go so far as to only use astrology to find a match, but I do like it as a tool to recognize habits in them or myself that may be issues or complements and see how it plays out.
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    It is funny.. I don't believe in astrology at all.. and yet I find my sign to correlate quite strongly to my personality and/or any personality testing I have done. I guess it can be argued that anyone can find themselves in any sign..but.. the following is true!

    How to keep me happy
    1. Shower them with love, affection, and praise on a daily basis.
    2. Support and encourage their passions and creative ideas.
    3. Let them take the lead whenever possible.

    Not mine, every thing for Geminis say that we are outgoing and outspoken and I am NOT!! LOL I should not have been born in June!
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Gemini (May 21th-June 20th)

    1. Geminis are genuinely interested in many topics, so they will love to learn about whatever interests you.
    2. Their quick wits will keep you laughing.
    3. You will never have to worry about a lack of communication because they always want to talk everything through.
    4. Geminis are so social that they like to be friends first and lovers second. Your relationship will be fun and flirty for years to come.
    5. Adept at sexy talk, Geminis have the unique ability to turn you on even before you get into bed with them.

    2-I don't know
    3-Not in the least!!
    5-I don't know!
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Oh I'm such a Leo its not even funny..though I have to say the best sexual compatibility I ever had was with scorpios lol... I don't put much stock in this stuff but its fun