Runners Log stardate 3729.4...We were on...

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

This is a runner's blog but I thougght the tips she gave are vital! when you want to run whether as a daily or occasional one like me there are still proper steps to take! Try as much as possible to prevent injuries! Rome was not built in a day! Even if a pro still keep a sound routine!
The only thing I would add to this is resistence training! It will add so much power to your runs!

I do recommend if you want you can always go to a runner's clinic in your area. Most of them I have found in my neck of the woods are free and they teach correct technique. Just saying....

Happy trails!!!!!


  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Good read. I can understand about the taking it slow and building the author was talking about. I have bothersome knees, but it wasn't too bad til I did the damage to my flexor hallicus tendon in my ankle (because everybody else had to injure this tendon in an easy to diagnose and treat spot, of course I have to do it in the spot that there's nothing the docs can do) and now when I run, I will feel it in my ankle, knee, and hip.
    I do need to do one thing she recommended and get that gait test done to get the right shoe because I spend hours in the shoe stores feeling up the shoes, just trying to find one comfortable pair that has arch supports and they're IN THE RIGHT PLACE!! (Darn super high arches!!!) Have had sales people say that I can "always buy a pair of arch supports" Which my response is: "If I'm spending this much money on a pair of shoes, they'd BETTER have an arch support in them, I'm not paying another $30+ to buy them!" And that brings up what's probably a concern for a lot of people who like to run.... cost. You're supposed to replace your running shoes every 6 months (or when you start feeling the shin splits, whichever comes first) and to get a good pair you have to spend a lot to get them, it gets expensive. What's a runner to do when it comes down to car payment this month or the running shoes that cost the same amount as said car payment?
    It's a struggle and a conundrum, but what's a body to do??
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Well, maybe different running stores will say same or oppose but the one I attended said a high mileage for changing every six months. When I was running like 6-10 miles a week he told me that was too low to change every 6 months for shoes. Dang it I forget the amount per week you have to do to change in 6 months! AUGH! I just know the above.
    The gait test is great too! I have ankle issues so I need orthotics so they even made me try on a lot of shoes so I would get right fit with orthotics. Great!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    It may depend on the shoes too, because I tend to wear the same brand and it's about six months before I start getting shin splints from them. I mainly get the same brand because of the arch support issue, but I just bought new running shoes tonight and I bought a different brand (mainly because they didn't have the brand I usually get) so we'll see what happens.
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    Not a runner. But I have been thinking about it.