Jiffy Pop, O Redenbacher, Popsecret & Kettlecorn

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

Okay, if ya'll don't know by now I loooooooooooooooooove popcorn! i am a purist and I pop in the pot with a little oil. YUMMO! But to each his own. Enjoy this great fiber rich treat but if you add butter now you have made it a 'treat' instead of a snack!
I love to eat it especially when I am watching movies at home!
Who knew there was an actual council! LOL! Read and see what you can do to make food fun! http://www.popcorn.org/

Peace and Crunching!


  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    When I am in desperate need of something just a little sweet and salty, and I want popcorn (sorry, not a big fan, generally popcorn likes me even less that I like it) I'll make popcorn (no salt, no butter) toss in 1/2 a serving of chocolate chips and some pecans (my favorite nut!) and add just a touch of salt (I'm not a big fan of salt so one quick shake over the bowl is good) mix it all together and portion out a serving and snack away
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Well, popcorn is my absolute favorite snack and I'm not sure when it will be back in our lives. BUT, when we eat it, it's covered in melted real butter and nutritional yeast and sometimes parmensan cheese. I use to be able to eat an entire huge dough bowl size of it - can you say binge? Now I'm down to about 6 cups. I think I'll have to get smaller than that eventually but that's a ways down the road.

    I do know I can NOT eat the stuff at the movie theater. That stuff makes me sick and takes me 3 days to recover from. I don't know what oil they are using to pop it with or what 'butter flavor oil' they are using on it for butter, but my body hates it.

    I don't like most of the microwave stuff as sweet popcorn isn't really my thing or nacho cheese or any of those other flavors and the butter taste is really weird. I like real butter. In Germany, in the movie theaters there, they sprinkle sugar on it - not salt. You can't find salty popcorn. It's considered best served with sugar.
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    I watched the video then had my son make me popcorn. I was astonished to discover you do not have to shake the pot. Mmmmm good!
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I'm scared to watch the as I think it will start a craving for me. But Lisa's comment on not shaking pots makes me want to see it. When we were kids, we had this one pot that Mom used for making popcorn to take to the drive in, making fudge, and for boiling the water for pasta noodles. She used that for most of my childhood, UNTIL..... one day, it started leaking milk through the bottom of the pot. It didn't leak oil and it didn't leak water. We think between the rubbing on the bottom from all the popcorn shaking and the beating in the inside from the electric mixer when making fudge caused the metal to thin out. Then the heat some how opened the metal enough for the milk to come through. Dad shone a light inside but there were no holes. It was a science experiment without knowing it. Needless to say, she bought a new pot and that one went to recycle or something. Oh, the days of shaking popcorn in a pot - I was really good at it as a kid. We never had burned popcorn. But I burned it the last time I tried it on the stove.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I love me some Kettlecorn!